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一匹马正沿路奔驰。A horse is clipping down the road.

所以,这被称为票息剪券。So, that was called coupon clipping.

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这球差一点点擦到桌边。The ball just missed clipping the table.

这就是定期获得收益和风险规避。That's coupon clipping and risk mitigation.

我是从一张老旧的剪报中读到这个的。I had read that in an old newspaper clipping.

剪辑区域左上方点的X坐标。The clipping region top-left point X-coordinate.

托斯特认为剪优惠券是浪费时间。Torsten thinks clipping coupons is a waste of time.

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我的第一个原则就是定期获得收益。The first sort of principle to me is clipping coupons.

裁剪是计算机图形学中的一个基本问题。Clipping is one of basic problems in computer graphics.

在墙壁中心帖的是Lincoln案的剪报。In the center is a newspaper clipping about Lincoln’s case.

变化的增益,直到我们有最大的信号不削波。Change the gain until we have maximum signal without clipping.

该机主要用于纺织企业对盖板针布的包覆。This machine is mainly used for falt clipping in textile trade.

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在不剪辑的情况下放大音频的音量。Amplifies the entire waveform as much as possible, without clipping.

任何功率大小的削波信号都能损害你的扬声器?Clipping at any power level is capable of damaging your loudspeakers.

结论手术夹闭动脉瘤是较理想手术治疗手段。Conclusion Clipping of the aneurysm is considered the best treatment.

线裁剪是计算机图形学的重要基础问题之一。Line clipping is one of the fundamental problems in computer graphics.

剪辑基本原则及技巧,主要是为了保证画面组接的连贯流畅。The basic principle of the clipping is the skill for link and fluency.

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托斯特一开始问辛迪,“你在干什么,剪优惠券吗?”Torsten begins by asking Cindy, "What are you doing, clipping coupons?"

请记住,巨大的增益将导致高电平的输出信号的消波。Remember, excessive gain may lead to output clipping of high level signals.

收集折扣券常常让人想到是买猫粮的小老太太们做的事。Clipping coupons is often associated with little old ladies buying cat food.