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熟练使用测量工具和电子工具。Use measuring tools and electrical tools competently.

任何外科病人我都能胜任地进行治疗。There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently.

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我只知道,一眼看去,这位老太太是喜欢这份工作的,而且胜任愉快。I only know that one looked, this woman likes the job, and competently.

考量喜欢这些可以帮助你胜任比较商船帐户!Considerations like these can help you competently Compare Merchant Accounts!

印度代表团表示,IGC在研究令人关注的各项问题方面非常能干。The Delegation of India stated that the IGC was looking into the various concerns quite competently.

你在这个部分表现出了胜任能力,但仍旧建议你在这个考试部分重修的时候要复习。You performed competently in this area but review is still recommended before retaking this exam part.

职业功能定义为有稳定胜任全职工作的能力。Vocational functioning was defined as the ability to perform full-time work competently and consistently.

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因此,需要受过该项手术训练的专门医师执行,才能胜任愉快。Therefore, the need for surgical training with the implementation of specialized physicians can competently.

这意味着三个臭皮匠虽然可以顶过诸葛亮,但这只有在我们能够开诚布公的讨论自己不同的看法观点时才行。This implies that two heads may be better than one, but only when we can competently discuss our different perspectives.

能够在任何场景中停止沟通,熟悉句子语言框架并把握在任务环境中运用英语的能耐。To be familiar dawn the language struture or to be capable to use English competently in a bulk of varicapable situations.

副作用轻者只是感觉恶心或者做奇怪的梦,重者如一些神经损伤如果不得到及时救治甚至会危及生命。These range from nausea and strange dreams to ones that can be life-threatening if not competently managed, such as nerve damage.

它们允许这些细分后的部分具有逻辑的和可理解的名称,这样就十分适合由人类处理。They allow those subdivided pieces to be given logical and comprehensible names, so they can be competently manipulated by a single human brain.

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本通知的精神不在于禁止他们参加任何带有危险性的活动,而是通过技术训练及身体检查以使他们做好准备从而具有应对危险的能力。The principle is not to avoid activities involving danger, but to prepare students both by technical training and physical fitness to deal with the risk competently.

在当今这个年轻活力、兢兢业业备受推崇的文化里,像我这不称职而又上了年纪的老头子真是没几天蹦的了。These days, in a culture that values youth and the ability to competently do your job above all else, it's tougher than ever for an unqualified person my age to get by.

正确的途径是将管制减少到最佳的水平,并通过增加财力人力物力全力做好剩余的管制内容。The correct approach is to carve down regulation to the optimal level but then finance and staff and enforce the remaining regulatory duties competently and in good faith.

他们得体地回答了向他们提出的问题,但是却没有在有益的方面上主动地提出富有智慧的问题来驾驭面试。They competently answer the questions that are put to them but they never take the initiative by asking intelligent questions that steer the interview in a helpful direction.

在商界你死我活的竞争中,你要是能做个一两件大事,引起了别人的注意,要比你默默无闻地做很多琐碎的小事,更容易脱颖而出。In the business rat race, you're much more likely to get ahead if you do one or two things well that really garner attention, rather than a dozen things competently but invisibly.

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相反,我们应该体现美国公民的某种观念,如果他无法准确判断自身的生活和幸福是如何受到外界影响的,他的公民特征就是不完整的。Rather,we have a certain conception of the American citizen,a character who is incomplete if he cannot competently assess how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself.

我们更应该具有的是作为美国公民的某种观念,即他必须准确判断自身的生活和幸福是如何受到外界影响的,否则他的公民特征就是不完整的。Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen, a character who is incomplete if he cannot competently access how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself.

我们更应该具有的是作为美国公民的某种观念,即他必须准确判断外在因素对自身的生活和幸福的影响,否则他的公民特征就是不完整的。Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen, a character who is incomplete if he cannot competently assess how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself.