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过度追求刺激,忽视和谐。Fifthly, pursue incitement excessively, neglect diapason.

尽你的全力让家平顺和谐。Exert you to let a going smoothly diapason with all strength.

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校园的和谐能促进学校事业的全面协调健康发展。The diapason of the campus can hasten the development of the college.

构建社会主义和谐社会是一个系统工程。Setting up the socialism diapason society is a system and engineering.

构建社会主义和谐社会与社会稳定的关系。Set up the social and social stable relation of the socialism diapason.

是一个文明、健康、和谐、充满活力的复合生态系统。It is a compound ecosystem system with civilization, health, and diapason.

社会主义和谐社会的客观要求。It is also objective request that carries out the socialism diapason society.

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尤其在构建和谐社会的当今,更离不开文化的支撑。Particularly, a diapason society of can not be set up nowadays without cultural prosperity.

目的探讨用DIAPASON系统治疗退变性腰椎管狭窄的近期治疗效果。Objective To study the clinical outcome of DIAPASON fixation in treating lumbar spinal stenosis.

因此,必须建立信息经纪人制度,以保证该领域的稳定与和谐。Therefore, the information broker system must be established to ensure the stability and diapason of this field.

有效地保护生态环境,进一步实现人与自然的和谐相处。Protect the ecosystem environment availably, further carry out the person to get along with the diapason of the nature.

但这两件乐器的发声原理、音域及演奏方法都很相似,靠薄铜片制的“舌簧”震动而发音的。But their soniferous principle , diapason and playing method are quite similar, the vibration of languette makes the sound.

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东亚,东南亚国家里,随处可见和谐统一的儒家的文化。East Asia, nation in Southeast Asia in, everywhere it is thus clear that the diapason unify of the culture of the Confucianism.

和谐管理、和谐教学、和谐发展、和谐环境是创建和谐校园应着重抓好的几个环节。The diapason of management, teaching, development and environment are the important factors of setting up the harmonious Campus.

校园的和谐主要是指校园内部的各种要素处于一种相互依存、相互协调、相互促进的状态。The diapason of the campus is an appearance of mutual depending, corresponding and hastening between various elements in the campus.

他的创作方法始终以古典主义和谐、均衡原则为基石同时亦以反浪漫主义的手法为其显著特征。His creation is always based on the foundation of classical diapason and balance, and meanwhile notably features in anti-romanticism.

方法应用椎板减压、神经根松解、椎间植骨融合、DIAPASON系统固定治疗退变性腰椎管狭窄患者20例。Methods 20 patients with lumbar spinal stenosis were treated with decompression , DIAPASON surgical system fixation and interbody fusion.

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构建和谐社会,发展素质教育,这种新的形势对教师素质提出了新的要求。Set up diapason society, develop education for all-round development, this kind of new situation put forward a new request to teacher's character.

也加强了师生间、生生间的交流与互动,有利于和谐、愉悦的开放性教学模式的构建。It also strengthens the exchanges and the action between the teachers and the students. It will help to set up the diapason and dulcify teaching mode.

充分重视身心的相互作用,通过身心调节,使学生达到和谐的。The athletics values the interaction of mind and body well, regulating through a mind and body, making the student attain nature diapason of development.