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他曾是我的偶像。He was my idol.

你是我的偶像,我久仰你的大名,我非常佩服你。You're my idol.

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您是我的偶像。You’re my idol.

林俊杰是我的偶像。JJ Lam is my idol.

我的偶像是金中。My idol is Zhong·J.

天然的克利须那神像。A false god or idol.

切勿崇拜偶像。To worship as an idol.

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你知道的贝克海姆是我的偶像。You know Bhm is my idol.

我的这个偶像就是魏晨。This is my idol Wei Chen.

我在看偶像剧啊!I'm watching an idol drama!

帕顿是她心中的偶像。And Dolly Parton is her idol.

张婷因为现在我的偶像是陈中。Because my idol is Chen Zhong.

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他既是实力派,也是偶像派。He is strength, is also idol pie.

迈克尔杰克逊是房祖名的偶像。Jaycee's idol is Michael Jackson.

还有一些内置的操作层。And there are some built into Idol.

星野亚希是一个日本比基尼偶像。Aki Hoshino is a Japanese bikini idol.

极端主义者称其为偶像崇拜。Idol worship is what extremists call it.

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这位通俗歌手成为年轻人的崇拜偶像。The pop star is the idol of young people.

我的偶像是张国荣,他来自香港。My idol Leslie Cheung, who from Hong Kong.

我说不够。所以说,中国目前还没有青春偶像剧。I said enough. So, China is not youth idol.