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对我唠叨可没用。It is no use to sermon me.

她在听布道时睡著了。She dropped off during the sermon.

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杰出的典范是最佳的训戒。a good example is the best sermon.

教区牧师的布道非常精彩。The vicar gave an excellent sermon.

他颇有口才,讲题是“慈善”。The subject of his sermon was charity.

谁会关于哈巴谷进行一系列的讲道?Who teaches a sermon series on Habakkuk?

群众对布道感到烦闷无趣。The congregation was bored by the sermon.

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布道和解经论文是不同的。No,a sermon is different from an exegesis paper.

布道的话题是,智慧地生活。And the sermon was entitled "Living With Wisdom".

教区牧师作了一次布道,宣讲赌博的危害。The vicar gave a sermon on the evils of gambling.

基督在布道中说人们应该互敬互爱。The priest preached a sermon on the need of charity.

切莫在你冗长的祷告中向主作一番讲道。Do not preach the Lord a sermon in your long prayers.

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你在这讲章中学到什麽重要功课?What important lesson have you learnt from this sermon?

一天,在天主堂里,他这样布道One day he preached the following sermon in the cathedral

一名牧师在布道时中枪,子弹穿心而过。A pastor was shot through the heart while giving a sermon.

其实,我们的生活本身就是一篇活生生的讲章,见证着神在我们身上的作为。Our very lives are a living sermon about God's work in us.

我们硬着头皮听了一通不要浪费钱的大道理。We have to listen to a long sermon about not wasting money.

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其实,她讲经时就有种从容淡定的美。Actually, there is kind of easy and calm beauty when her sermon.

我们从今天开始箴言的系列证道。We start a new sermon series on the Book of Proverbs from today.

他颇有口才,讲题是“慈善”。He was tolerably eloquent. The subject of his sermon was charity.