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这里是你们的住处.This is your quarters.

她把蛋糕切成四份。She cut the cake into quarters.

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那时钟每十五分钟响一次。The clock strikes the quarters.

他们在村子里找到了住处。They found quarters in a village.

把这位先生送到他的住处。Bear this gentleman to his quarters.

我只需要五块钱的两毛五分硬币。I just need five dollars in quarters.

昨天一直在宿舍做苦力。Yesterday has been doing coolie quarters.

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请兑换二十元二十五仙给我好吗?。Can you give me twenty dollars in quarters?

诺亚陪我一同朝罗丝的住处走去。Noah walked with me toward Rose’s quarters.

昨夜我们奇袭了敌营。We beat up the enemy's quarters last night.

南瓜花数朵,去底,一切四。Pumpkin blossoms, base off, cut in quarters.

科比是第四节的杀手。Kobe Brant is a killer in the fourth quarters.

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这种钟报小时,不报刻钟。The bell rings the hours but not the quarters.

这里的建筑四分之三藏于洞中。Three quarters are hidden in the mountain cave.

她的四分之一是正确地紧邻我的主人随员。Her quarters were right next to my Master Suite.

我校校长将参观我们的居住区。President of our school will visit our quarters.

老板是个追求名利的吝啬鬼。The boss is a miser, chasing eight and quarters.

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登山队员在他们的宿营地上树起了一面旗子。The mountaineers stood a flag at their quarters.

我衣柜里四分之三的衣服都是传过来的。Three quarters of my wardrobe are hand-me-downs.

美军的宿舍则在马毛岛。S. military quarters in the island of horse hair.