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他身材矮小。He is short in stature.

那尊塑像风化得厉害。That stature has badly weathered.

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这个小伙子中等个头儿。The fella has a moderate stature.

随着时光的流逝,他作为剧作家的地位下降了。Time has devalued his stature as a play writer.

这个人长得很敦实。He has a powerful build, though short in stature.

他们具有很高的思想境界和实践能力。They have very high stature and practice ability.

我们就微缩你们的身材,让你们的事业也完蛋!We will miniaturize your stature and end your careers!

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你们哪一个能因为忧虑能使寿数加一刻呢?。Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

乳黄色皮毛的埃贝是个身材矮胖的人形生物。The cream-furred Ebe is a rotund humanoid of small stature.

他中等个头,长得不算帅,但人忠厚老实。He is an honest boy though not handsome with medium stature.

你们中间谁能因忧虑使自己的身量多加一肘?Who among you by being anxious can add one cubit to his stature?

在中国,身高六英尺的人已高于平均高度。种竹成林。A man who is six feet tall is above the average stature in China.

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他挺秀的身材在同行的人中显得特别突出。His tall and straight stature makes him stand out among his peers.

你们那一个能用思虑,使寿数多加一刻呢。Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

就是人甚至会想到问这样的问题也表明了他的地位。That one even thinks of asking such questions indicates his stature.

你们那一个能用思虑,使寿数多加一刻呢。And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?

从某种程度上来说,失去胡祖六这种水平的银行家对高盛是一个打击。Losing a banker of Mr. Hu's stature is a blow for Goldman on one level.

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试图用侵略行为,高顶帽来弥补自己的矮小身材。Attempting to compensate for small stature through aggression, tall hats.

他是一个汗毛很重的矮个子,光着脚站在深桔色的地毯上。He stood with bare feet in deep orange shag a hairy man of small stature.

许多新娘都是非常年轻的小姑娘,所以,身材也娇小。Many times brides were very young girls and, therefore, small in stature.