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泰昌官方旗舰店!Taichang official flagship store!

此款车型是目前四驱驱动的旗舰。It is currently Toyota's flagship 4WD.

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他曾管理过该公司的旗舰品牌。He had previously managed its flagship brand.

这真是一个相当出色的杀手级旗舰机设计。That's a really awesome killer flagship design.

旗舰电动车可以承受体重达350磅的车手。The Flagship can support a rider up to 350 lbs.

配备船桅与帆缆的皇家旗舰!Imperial Flagship is equipped with masts and rigging!

这家公司刚在上海开了一家旗舰店。The firm has just opened a flagship store in Shanghai.

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大公司在迅雷不及掩耳的情况下一一倒塌。Flagship corporations collapsing in the blink of an eye.

经济社科类图书是出版社的主打产品。Economic social science books are Press's flagship product.

这就是“瓦萨”号,帝国大舰的皇家旗舰。This was the Vasa, royal flagship of the great imperial fleet.

这就是“瓦萨”号,帝国大舰队的皇家旗舰。This was the Vasa, royal flagship of the great imperial fleet.

北京万达索菲特大饭店是索菲特品牌在亚太区的新旗舰店。Sofitel Wanda Beijing is the flagship of Sofitel in Asia Pacific.

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1995年,大杨推出了自有旗舰品牌“创世”男装。In 1995, Dayang launched its own flagship brand of Trands menswear.

它的姊妹舰“库兹涅佐夫”号现在已经是俄海军旗舰。Its sister, the Admiral Kuznetsov, is the flagship of Russia’s navy.

奥迪A8是奥迪的旗舰型汽车集团。The Audi A8 is the flagship of the Ingolstadt-based automobile group.

阿达尼企业有限公司是阿达尼集团的旗舰公司。The Flagship Company of the Adani group is Adani Enterprises Limited.

预计今年晚些时候将于上海开设一家麦兜的旗舰店。McDull flagship store is expected to open in Shanghai later this year.

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熊猫保护论者也许会站起来说,“这是最重要的物种。Panda conservationists may stand up and say, "It's a flagship species.

追悼仪式在地球联邦旗舰亚历山大号上举行。Memorial services were held aboard the Directorate flagship Aleksander.

Palm公司甚至已经发布了一款专为它的旗舰版Pre手机定做的无线充电器。Palm has even launched a wireless charger for its flagship Pre handset.