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他上个季度有超过100次跑垒得分。He had more than 100 RBI last season.

是的,康贝RBI不但关于褥疮治疗具有清楚疗效,引荐你运用!Yes, COMBO RBI has clearly not only the effect on the bedsore treatment, referral you use!

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只能偷偷的打点现金类的工作的,且工资比有工卡的低上好多呢。The RBI can only cash secretly kind of work, and wages have jobs than low cards on a lot of it.

柏林墙倒塌20年后,埃斯特,瑞福森和联合信贷银行都正从它们的早期信条中获益。Two decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Erste, RBI and UniCredit are benefiting from their early commitment.

印度央行关于新钞的第一次情况发声是在12月7日的货币政策记者招待会上。The first time the RBI spoke of a break-up of new notes was on December 7 during the monetary policy press conference.

采用定性和定量RBI分析相结合方法对合成氨装置进行风险评估。A method combining qualitative and quantitative RBI analysis is adopted to carry out risk assessment on the synthetic ammonia plant.

一些分析师说,由于周四公布的数据显示物价上涨速度正在放慢,印度央行一度好似如箭在弦的紧缩行动可能会推迟实施。Some analysts said the slowing rise in prices reported Thursday may delay what looked like an imminent tightening action by the RBI.

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松井今年的打击率2成85,有25支全垒打103分打点。他目前正为膝盖作手术后的复健,明年春训前就能完全复原了。Matsui, who had a . 285 average, 25 homers and 103 RBI last season, is rehabbing from knee surgery and should be ready for spring training.

根据RBI的条款,所有银行将减少那些在网络银行中没有一次性密码的用户的电子交易。As per the RBI guideline, all the banks will decline any telephonic banking transactions where the customers do not have a One-Time Password.

此次资金的注入没有改变日烟国际印度公司的股权结构,符合政府和印度银行的政策。This injection of funds does not change the shareholding structure of JTI India and is in line with the policies of the government and the RBI.

但是这位洋基队的队长在第二局被三振,第四局击出有打点的内野滚地球出局,第六局也击出内野滚地球出局,在第八局又被三振。But the yankees'captain took a called third strike in the second inning hit an rbi groundout in the fourth grounded out again in the sixth and struck out in the eighth.

运用定量RBI技术对DEA再生塔进行了详细的风险分析,得到了塔体各部件具体的失效可能性、失效后果和风险等级。The quantitative RBI technique was used to analyze the Risk of DEA Regenerator, and invalidation likelihood, consequence and risk grade of the each component of Regenerator were obtained.