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碳排放交易有用吗?What about carbon trading?

能容纳4个原子成键。CH4 is sp3 carbon hybridization.

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让我们过低碳生活!Let us lead a low- carbon life !

因此他们又发明了复写纸。They also invented carbon paper.

尼桑西尔维娅S13中的碳。" O " April Silvia S13 in carbon.

非标志的碳橡胶外底。Non-marking carbon rubber outsole.

这种复写纸复写质量不好。This carbon paper reproduces badly.

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碳呢?我听到了四个和六个。What about carbon? I heard 4 and 6.

一吨二氧化碳的价格现在是28欧元。A tonne of carbon dioxide is now €28.

捷安特的碳纤维车架非常轻!The giant is very light carbon frame!

你能降低二氧化碳排的放量。You can reduce your carbon emissions.

它是碳的最主要的形式。And it is the dominant form of carbon.

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镀锌低碳钢丝布?Galvanized low carbon steel wire cloth?

他们经营煤碳生意。Producing or containing carbon or coal.

车身材料为玻璃纤维和碳纤维。The body is fiberglass and carbon fiber.

大学能实现“碳中和”吗?Can universities become "carbon neutral"?

优质碳素钢的热处理。High-quality carbon steel heat treatment.

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让我们看一下这个碳原子。So let's take a look at this with carbon.

碳战氢是化教元素。其实专业打井。Carbon and hydrogen are chemical elements.

二氧化碳是地球的恒温器。Carbon dioxide is the planet's thermostat.