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生命傲然挺立,全以她坚定不移的信念。Life with her, stand proudly adamantine belief.

如来的身体是金刚体,牢不可破。The body of the Tathagata is adamantine and indestructible.

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罪与死是不会分离的坚固锁炼。Sin and death are an adamantine chain and link that none can sever.

精金之箭的法师必须随时准备好战斗。Mages of the Adamantine Arrow must be ready for battle at all times.

在党具有先进性的问题上我们必须坚定不移。On the problem that has advanced sex in the party we must adamantine.

这种经历缓慢地培育了他们顽固的保守主义。Their adamantine conservatism is the slow outgrowth of this experience.

每一英寸厚的精金有20点的硬度和40点的耐久度。Adamantine has a hardness of 20 and 40 hit points per inch of thickness.

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完美的身体是美丽、优雅、有力及金刚不坏。Beauty, grace, strength, and adamantine hardness constitute the perfect body.

由精金制成的武器拥有天然的命中和伤害奖励。Weapons fashioned from adamantine have a natural enhancement bonus to attack and damage.

毫无疑问,她与另一个人的婚姻设下的强固的障碍不能这样去突破。Surely the adamantine barrier of her marriage with another could not be pieced like this !

由于极高的硬度,钻石能够很好抛光体现金刚光泽。Diamond can be highly polished to its adamantine luster due to its extremely high hardness.

中国选择了市场经济,并将坚定不移走下去,自由成为不可回避的时代课题。China chose market economy, and will adamantine step down, freedom is become cannot evasive times task.

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这种物质甚至比精金坚硬,可惜它成分的秘方已经不为人知了。This substance might very well be harder than adamantine , but the secret of its formulation has been lost.

钢箭盟总是找寻更多玛司提苟斯由于他们非凡的侦察能力。The Adamantine Arrow is always looking for more Mastigos due to their extraordinary reconnaissance abilities.

坚定不移发展社会主义民主政治,形成良好的国家和社会的关系,是我们的最终目标。Democracy of adamantine development socialism, form the concern of good country and society, it is our ultimate goal.

掌握着这个定式的精金之箭的法师,发现他们需要只进攻一次就将敌人打倒。Mages of the Adamantine Arrow who master this rote find that they need strike only once in order to fell their enemies.

因此,你再也无法启动金刚粒子造物者之光与爱的目的纯粹从您的圣心。As a result, you could no longer activate the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light with pure loving intent from within your Sacred Heart.

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她看到他衣服被弄成那副样子,原来就打算让汤姆在星期六休息日干活的决心现在就更加坚定了。And when she saw the state his clothes were in her resolution to turn his saturday holiday into captivity at hard labor became adamantine in its firmness.

他们是一个整体,他们将团结一致,胸有成竹,怀着坚定不移的信念,向着共同的目标前进,去迎接共同的挑战。They are an integral whole, they will unite as one, they have answers, with adamantine belief, they move forward the common goal, to meet the common challenges.

在最后几分钟里,曼联依靠这两名替补连入两球,彻底摧垮了素以意志顽强著称的德国球队,成功加冕为欧洲冠军。Within a properly miraculous minute, both players had scored, the adamantine German team had crumbled, and Manchester United had been crowned champions of Europe.