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隔壁房子一个小孩在发脾气。A child having a tantrum in the next apartment.

如果这意味着发脾气或者失去控制,他们是会那么做的。If this means throwing a tantrum or losing control, they'lldo it.

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电影从“罗伯特”开始发狂的时间重新播出。The movie was replayed from the moment “Roberts” tantrum started.

越南为什么对存在40年了的事实发脾气呢?Sowhy is Vietnam raising a big tantrum over a 40 year-old faitaccompli?

因验证一事导致金正日大发脾气也许还得了中风。Mr Kim's verification tantrum was followed by what may have been a stroke.

晓萱在学校发脾气,把钢琴盖关上,夹伤友慧的手指。Xiaoxuan throws a tantrum at school and causes Youhui's fingers to be hurt.

因为我不买甜食给他,强尼在店里发了一顿脾气。Johnny had threw a tantrum in the shop because I wouldn't buy him any sweet.

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一个月之内,当我再试图让Daisy穿裤子的时候,她就开始大发脾气。Within a month, Daisy threw a tantrum when I tried to wrestle her into pants.

一张杂乱的办公桌,或者潦草的标点符号都可能成为发火的引子。A messy desk or sloppy punctuation might be enough to set off a temper tantrum.

假如您对此感到怀疑,上周发生的怒火应该让您相信。If you had any doubt about that, last week’s tantrum should have convinced you.

贝拉克·奥巴马在2007年承认年轻时吸毒,却几乎没一个访谈节目斥责他。Barack Obama’s admission of youthful drug use in 2007 hardly drew a talk-show tantrum.

今天,我们几乎找不到一个孩子不发脾气的家庭。Today one can hardly find a household where the child does not throw some kind of a tantrum.

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有时候别人让他吃什么东西,而他觉得自己不会喜欢,他就会大发脾气。Sometimes he has a tantrum if someone asks him to eat something he doesn't think he will like.

Eric有时候会因为做作业、洗澡、打扫自己的房间这类事情而发脾气。Sometimes Eric has a tantrum when it is time to do his homework, take a bath or clean his room.

教授报告了校警,校警拘捕了翟,并将他移送警方。The professor reported Zhai's tantrum to campus security, who arrested Zhai and sent him to the police.

父亲哄他不要发脾气,指着自己的肩,要麦罗斯用力捶。Dad cajoled his brother out of his tantrum by pointing at his own shoulder and urging Melrose to hit him.

皮拉斯没有像暴君一样大发雷霆,反而在朋友之间称许法布里丘斯。Pyrrhus did not explode in a tyrannic tantrum. On the contrary, among his friends he commended Fabricius.

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研究表明,通常情况下,导致发脾气的事件对发脾气是否真正发生至关重要。Often, events leading up to a tantrum are critical to whether the tantrum actually takes place, research shows.

她是这样的一位好妻子。三明治巧克力,大量的水果。你知道她并没有生气或者突然发怒。啊哈哈!She was such a good wife. Sandwiches chocolate, fruit the whole lot. And u know wot she didn't get angry or av tantrum.

哈利觉得达力马上要大发雷霆了,于是赶在达力把桌子掀翻之前狼吞虎咽地吃着盘里的烤肉。Harry, who could see a huge Dudley tantrum coming on, began wolfing down his bacon as fast as possible in case Dudley turned the table over.