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莱佛士来之前,新加坡属于柔佛王朝。Before Raffles came to Singapore, we belonged to the Johor Sultanate.

1965年从英国独立后,马尔代夫又以伊斯兰君主制统治了三年。After independence from Britain in 1965, the sultanate operated for another 3 years.

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1968年,苏丹之位被废除,开创了以纳西尔为总统的共和政体。In1968the sultanate was abolished and a republic inaugurated with nasi ras president.

这些省份原先是一个马来苏丹国.信奉佛教的泰国在一个世纪之前兼并了这个地区。The provinces were a Malay sultanate until Buddhist Thailand annexed them a century ago.

1511年,葡萄牙战胜,马六甲海峡成了其殖民地,从此结束了马六甲海峡的伊斯兰君主制。Portugal made Malacca a colony in 1511 by military conquest, thus ending the Sultanate of Malacca.

而马六甲王国也很受益于他们与中国大明皇帝-也就是永乐大帝-的良好关系。The Melaka Sultanate enjoyed a good relationship with the Ming Emperors of China, namely Emperor Yung Lo.

阿曼的伊斯兰教君主国是在亚洲西南的一个国家,位于阿拉伯半岛东南部,西北界阿拉伯联合酋长国,西连沙特阿拉伯,西南邻也门共和国。The Sultanate of Oman is a country in the southwestern part of Asia, on the southeast coast of the Arabian Peninsula.

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马六甲王国的政府结构是金字塔型的,位于塔顶的苏丹集所有大权于一身。The government structure of the Melaka Sultanate was like a pyramid with the Sultan at the apex as the all- powerful Head of State.

这个行政管理系统施行于马来半岛的所有邦国,这些邦国当时都统一在马六甲王国之下。This administrative system was implemented by all the states in the Malay Peninsula, which at that time were united under the Melaka Sultanate.

在提到历史上一些社会崩溃的例子,如马穆鲁克阶层统治下的埃及和中国的明朝,他担心美国也许会面临同样的命运。Noting historical instances of societal collapse—the Mameluke Sultanate in Egypt, the Ming Dynasty in China—he cautions that America might face a similar fate.

汉都亚和朋友们都来自中国,他们被分配到马六甲苏丹国因为拜里米苏拉要求保护明代皇帝!Hang Tuah and friends were all from China, they were being assigned to the Malacca Sultanate because Parameswara requested the Ming Dynasty Emperor for protection!

奥运圣火被装在特制的火种灯里,搭专机从阿曼的首都也是最大的城市马斯喀特出发。The Olympic flame, carried in a specially-designed lantern, wasflied to Islamabad on a chartered plane from Muscat, the capital and largest city of the Sultanate of Oman.

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国务院总理温家宝27日在人民大会堂会见了阿曼苏丹国副首相法赫德。On September 27, Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council met with Deputy Prime Minister Fahad bin Mahmood Al-Said of the Sultanate of Oman in the Great Hall of the People.

奥运圣火被装在特制的火种灯里,搭专机从阿曼的首都也是最大的城市马斯喀特出发。The Olympic flame, carried in a specially-designed lantern, was flied to Islamabad on a chartered plane from Muscat, the capital and largest city of the Sultanate of Oman.

奥运圣火被装在特制的火种灯里,搭专机从阿曼的首都也是最大的城市马斯喀特出发。The Olympic flame, carried in a specially-designed lantern, was flied to Islamabad on a chartered plane from Muscat, the capital and largest city of the Sultanate of Oman.

尽管在其极盛时期,马木鲁克王朝抵挡瞭十字军和蒙古的多次进攻,但1517年奥斯曼帝国最终吞并瞭马木鲁克埃及。Though the Mamluks' strength enabled the Sultanate to repel several invasions by Christian crusaders and Mongols, it was eventually overpowered by the Ottoman Empire in 1517.

君士坦丁堡后来陷落于建立了奥斯曼土耳其帝国的土耳其人手中直到1923年苏丹制被废除并且建立了土耳其共和国。Constantinople fell to the Turks who established the Ottoman Empire in its place which survived until 1923 when the Sultanate was abolished and the Republic of Turkey created.

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科尼亚土耳其中部偏西南一城市,位于安卡拉以南,建在一个古代弗里吉亚城市的遗址上,从11世纪到13世纪,科尼亚是一个强大的塞尔柱苏丹帝国。A city of southwest-central turkey south of ankara. built on the site of an ancient phrygian city konya was a powerful seljuk sultanate from the11th to the13th century. Population 329139.

东马来群岛是由联邦地域中的纳闽岛和沙巴诸州还有沙捞越组成的,它占据了婆罗洲诸岛的南部,接壤着印度尼西亚和文莱。East Malaysia, consisting of the federal territory of Labuan and the states of Sabah and Sarawak, occupies the northern part of the island of Borneo, bordering Indonesia and the Sultanate of Brunei.