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为什么我的每日工作限额那么小?Whys my Daily Result Quota so small?

完成生产指标不成问题。We will fulfil the quota without fail.

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奢侈品限额已被撤消。The quota on luxury item have is revoke.

任务量分配非常复杂。The quota assignment is very complicated.

奢侈品限额已被撤消。The quota on luxury item have is revoked.

你的工作是销售并且完成自己的配额。Your job is to sell and make your quota.

奢侈品限额已被撤消。The quota on luxury item has been revoked.

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内部生产定额与“精细化管理”Inner production quota and "fine management""

在许多国家内,进口采取限额分配制度。The quota is to be allocated on prorata basis.

最终正告磁盘配额的时期和工夫。Date and time of last warning about disk quota.

挪威鲭鱼的捕捞配额快用完了。The Norwegian mackerel quota will soon be over.

指定下载配额为自动检索。Specify download quota for automatic retrievals.

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政府对于汽车进口实挺进口配额。The government has imposed an import quota on car.

只要尽力而为,我们就会超额完成指标。We shall over-fulfill our quota if we only do our best.

这所重点中学的招生名额是300人。The quota for this key middle school is 300 enrollments.

工人们奋力实现生产指标。Workers do all they can to fulfill the production quota.

我们需要配额制来帮助把这一变化付诸实施。We need. a quota system to help us put change into effect.

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突击手月月超额完成生产指标。A shock worker overfulfils his production quota every month.

象征性的退费将应用到限额的变化上。A nominal charge-back fee would apply to the change in quota.

他一连两个月超额完成生产指标。He overfulfilled his production quota for two months running.