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鹰维系着一个人多维度空间觉知的链路。Eagle holds links to one's multidimensional awareness.

高等教育质量具有多维性。Higher education has multidimensional nature to measure.

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你们全是造物主之神在多重次元的火花!You are all the multidimensional sparks of the Master Creator God!

在弦论中,粒子是做振动运动的多维“弦”。In string theory, particles are vibrating, multidimensional “strings”.

究其原因则是川端康成文艺思想是复杂多维的。The reason is Yasunari Kawabata literary theory is a complex multidimensional.

杜威的知行合一论在现代中国的影响具有多面性。Dewey's integration of modern China's influence on the multidimensional nature.

通过使用不同的分隔符,你可以创建多维数组。Through the use of different separators, you can create multidimensional arrays.

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多维数组首先存储最右边的维。A multidimensional array is stored with the rightmost dimension increasing first.

我遇到的多维和星系间人类从不同的时间看今朝。I encountered multidimensional and intergalactic beings from different time eras.

如果每个子数组都具有相同的长度,则多维数组更适用。If each subarray has the same length, a multidimensional array may be more useful.

一个品质因数有点象多维空间中的一张布满洞穴的表面。A quality factor is somewhat like a craterpocked surface in a multidimensional space.

最后分析了错误集上变换之间的关系。Finaly the relations among transformations are studied in multidimensional error set.

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论文主要研究了近场源多维参数联合估计问题。Multidimensional parameter estimation of near-field sources are studied in this thesis.

可以说,我们关注的城市空间应该具有多重性和多维性。In a word, the city space we focus on should have multiple and multidimensional features.

非英语专业大学生是否具有多维性的英语写作动机结构?。Was Chinese college students' motivation for English writing a multidimensional structure?

因此,应该加强对外贸易对小微企业的支持力度。Therefore, to strengthen foreign trade enterprises to small micro multidimensional support.

提出了一种基于多维空间超球体的快速聚类算法。A fast clustering algorithm based on hypersphere of the multidimensional space is presented.

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多维数据库中的超立方体结构应用于对海量数据的多维分析中。The cube in multidimensional database is used in the multidimensional analysis of the huge data.

多维结构是决策支持的支柱,也是OLAP的核心。The multidimensional structure is the stanchion of decision support system and is also OLAP core.

且未来于研究上,也应持续测试完整疼痛评估模式应用于确认失智症老人疼痛的可行性。To test the feasibility of the multidimensional model of pain assessment, further study is needed.