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他们需要多弄一点橘子酱。They need more marmalade.

我想要一罐橘子酱。I would like a jar of marmalade.

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比利把果酱涂在烤面包上。Billy spread the marmalade on his toast.

糊满了桔子酱的脸惊惶得像头小牛犊。A scared calf's face gilded with marmalade.

拉莉在一片土司上涂柠檬果酱。Lally was spreading marmalade on a piece of toast.

您要什么口味呢?草莓还是橘子的?。What flavor Would you like?Strawberry or marmalade?

香脆蛋白饼,酸奶冰沙,蓝莓酱。Crispy Meringue, Yoghurt Sorbet, Blueberry Marmalade.

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英国人常以烤面包加果酱结束早餐。Englishmen often end up their breakfast with toast and marmalade.

英国人常用烤面包加果酱结束早餐。Englishmen often end up their breakfast with toast and marmalade.

“我们爱你们,咪咪、淘淘。”她们一边说着,一边抱起了猫咪。We love you Marmalade and Tom Cat, "they said as they swooped them up."

然后,上来的就是烤面包了,涂上黄油或是果酱,亦或是拌着些水果。Afterwards comes toast, with butter and marmalade , and perhaps some fruit.

她们把她塞到咪咪的肚子下面取暖,等待小鸭子被孵出来。They tucked it up with Marmalade to keep it warm and waited for it to hatch.

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你知道吗,他们硬说是那就是橘子酱,麻烦出在他们根本不懂英语。And do you know, they insisted that it was marmalade?The trouble is they don't Know English.

他们硬况是那就是橘于酱,麻烦出在他们根本不懂英语。And do you know, they insisted that it was marmalade? The trouble is they don't know English.

他们把加了奶油糖果的蛋糕、川味牛肉干和柚子果酱,放进盒子里打包。They pack boxes of butterscotch cupcakes, Sichuan-spiced beef jerky and grapefruit marmalade.

做得好,布里奇,四个小时的精心烹饪,成功的做出了蓝汤,煎蛋,和果酱。Well done Bridge Four hours of careful cooking and feast of blue soup , omelette and marmalade.

好的,夫人。哦,柳橙汁,两个半熟的煮蛋,一片夹果酱的吐司。All right, ma'am. Well, orange juice, two medium boiled eggs, one piece of toast with marmalade.

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咪咪和淘淘已经听过这句话有上百万次了。所以,它们只是闭上眼睛舒舒服服地打起了呼噜。Marmalade and Tom Cat had heard it all a million before. They just closed their eyes and purred.

我带着一夜没睡的青年人的好胃口吃着炒鸡蛋和苦味的果酱。I ate my scrambled eggs and bitter marmalade with the zest which in youth follows a restless night.

其它不受欢迎的礼物还包括熨斗、毛绒企鹅、一次性打火机和一罐开了口的果酱。Other unwelcome presents included an iron, a stuffed penguin, a disposable lighter and an opened jar of marmalade.