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厕所在哪里?Where's the lavatory?

这房间有盥洗间吗?Dose the room have a lavatory?

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我刚去过盥洗室梳洗了一番。I've just been to the lavatory.

倡导“如厕”革命!Sparkplug a revolution of "lavatory"!

厕所直走到底就可以看到了,谢谢!Please go straight ahead and you'll see the lavatory.

装卸工用厕的洗手盆坏了,需要更换。The wash basin in stevedore's lavatory damaged, to be renewed.

我走进最近的一间公共洗手间,施抹了些自带的化妆品。I went into the nearest public lavatory and put on my war-paint.

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就算是一条底裤,一张厕纸,都有它的用处。It is pants of a bottom, a piece of lavatory paper , have its use.

小便池和马桶没有灰尘、污垢或特殊气味。C. The urinal and lavatory are without dust, dirt or peculiar smell.

他把案件搁置一边然后去盥洗室洗脸。He laid that case aside then he went to the lavatory to wash his face.

按需从厕所上拆下音乐播放器。Remove the music tape reproducer from the lavatory if it is necessary.

我的卧室紧挨着楼下的客厅,小卫生间里老式澡盆的水龙头滴滴答答地漏水。I got an antique tub with a faucet trickling down in the small lavatory.

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反叛者给在实验室和舆洗室劳动的劳工贴上标签。The rebels labeled the labor laboring in the laboratory and lavatory.

弱弱问问洗厕液可以用来洗胃么?Ask infirmly infirmly wash lavatory fluid to you can use gastric lavage ?

整个“过程”发生在后台的盥洗室里并持续了大约30秒。The liason is said to have lasted about 30 seconds in a backstage lavatory.

最后,她找到一份在磨粉厂装袋的工作,同时还兼作厕所清洁工。Eventually she found work filling bags in a mill, and as a lavatory cleaner.

一名失业的人到微软去应徵一份实验室清洁员的工作。An unemployed man goes to try for a job with Microsoft as a Lavatory cleaner.

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卫生间和淋浴室是公用的,旅馆只对男士开放。lavatory and shower facilities are shared -- the hotel is only opened to men.

报童叫做“媒体分发员”,收垃圾的叫做“回收专员”,厕所清洁工叫做“卫生顾问”,在地铁卖三明治的领子上带着“三明治艺术家”的标牌。Binmen are “recycling officers”. Lavatory cleaners are “sanitation consultants”.

卫生间和淋浴室是公用的,旅馆只对男士开放。The lavatory and shower facilities are shared -- the hotel is only opened to men.