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让我了解到他们的Yelp的账户。I learn of their Yelp account.

那条狗发出痛苦的吠声。The dog let out a yelp of pain.

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以及一家模仿Yelp的基于地点服务的萌芽企业。and a location-based service Buding modeled on Yelp.

对于外出就餐,这款伊尔帕应用软件有餐厅评级的用户。For dining out, the Yelp app has user restaurant reviews.

我现在一直使用Yelp作为查找各种东西的指南。I now use Yelp as a directory to find all sorts of things.

将Stoll直接回应他的批评者认为对声吗?Would Stoll consider responding directly to his critics on Yelp?

57岁的千惠子大叫了一声,匆忙奔到街上。Yamagata, 57, let out a yelp as she hurried out into the street.

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这里是三家企业如何处理他们的声投诉者。Here's how three businesses are dealing with their Yelp complainers.

对于当地的店面生意来说,网站就如Yelp一样可以产生实际的影响。For local businesses with a storefront, sites like Yelp can make a real impact.

比起Yelp,Foursquare能给主流商业文化带来更大影响吗?Might this man's company change mainstream commercial culture more than Yelp has?

Yelp的收入部分来源于地方企业投放在该网站的广告。Yelp generates revenue in part by letting those businesses advertise on the site.

Yelp今年春季时称每月独立访客数为3100万。Yelp said this Spring that it sees 31 million unique visitors to its website every month.

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我要寻找一个社交网络,其中包括商业评论,有点像狗吠声。I am looking for a social network that would include business review, little bit like yelp.

Google甚至包括第三方网站的评论和链接,如tripadvisor.com和。Google even includes reviews and links to third-party sites such as and

我在上面随便写些我的想法、驾驶路径、需要检索的话题、买菜单子、在yelp.com上找到的饭店。I scribble ideas, driving directions, topics to google, grocery lists, restaurants found on

在人行道上等待Raj抵达之前,我运行了本地餐馆点评程序以寻找Alborz的地址。While I wait on the sidewalk for Raj to arrive, Ilaunch the Yelp app to look up the address of Alborz.

也可以到像citysearch.com和yelp.com的网站上去搜,本地报纸和网站上也能找到些东西。Websites like and are great places to look, as are local newspapers and websites.

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包括Yelp.com在内的其它一些网络公司也开始进军这一市场,吸引着像谷歌一样的收购者。Other Web companies including have made forays into the market, attracting suitors such as Google.

目前很多企业包括报纸和消费者评论网站Yelp正推出自己的优惠券项目。And now companies including newspapers and consumer reviews website Yelp are rolling out their own programs.

必要时吃一口特别辣的菜,不过在办公室里不要叫得太大声。Take a bite at an extra-spicy dish whenever necessary. Just don’t yelp too loud when you’re inside the office.