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由于骨质增生而导致的跗节内肿。Spavin caused by a bony growth.

这些有骨鱼都长着圆形的鳍。These are bony fish with paired rounded fins.

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他的脸憔悴,温和,眉毛很浓。He had a bony gentle face with bushy eyebrows.

我握住她骨瘦如柴的手,伤心得哽咽欲泣。I seized her bony hand with a lump in my throat.

骨性颅腔,脑组织不可压缩。Brain tissue can't compress in bony cranial cavity.

CT也显示骨性骨盆的详尽影像。CT also offers detailed imaging of the bony pelvis.

瘦小的身子,且长满疙疙瘩瘩的骨刺。A body thin and small, and bony and thorny all over.

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犰狳有角质鳞片的护甲。The armadillo has a protective shell of bony plates.

皮肤紧巴巴地绷在骨架子上。His skin was stretched drum-tight over his bony frame.

乌龟有个硬骨壳和多鳞的小脑袋。A turtle has a hard, bony shell and a small, scaly head.

一个高高的骨状鱼鳍正划破水面,向他追来。A high bony fin was cutting through the water toward him.

而且有人问,世界上最大的硬骨鱼是什么?And someone asks , what is the worlds largest bony fish ?

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身上有鳞甲的南美鲶鱼。South American catfish having the body covered with bony plates.

Najash蛇保留着骶骨,用它来支撑骨盆。Najash retained a sacrum, a bony feature that supported the pelvis.

长有管状口鼻,细长的身体表面覆盖有骨盘。Fish with long tubular snout and slim body covered with bony plates.

此外,也可能使得体内骨缺损愈合度变差。In addition, it may also lead to poorer healing of bony defect in vivo.

鹿角就是长在公鹿头上的角。Antlers are the hard and bony points that grow on the heads of male deer.

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目的探讨四肢骨不连的治疗方法及疗效。Objective To discuss the method and results of treatment of bony nonunion.

矮老头考虑着,他那瘦骨嶙嶙的肩膀深埋在一堆枕头之中。The little man considered, his bony shoulders deep in the pile of pillows.

她伸出一只瘦削的手,以惊人的劲头,戳穿了一个椅垫。She stretched out a bony hand, and with amazing strength stabbed a cushion.