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他说,“什么是不可修复的危害?What was the irreparable harm? Scalia said.

由于社交方面的野心,他做出了无法补救的蠢事。He was betrayed by social ambitions into irreparable folly.

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对演员,也对荒谬的人来说,过早的死去才是无可弥补的。To the actor as to the absurd man, a premature death is irreparable.

投资者担心列文的殒命是无法弥补的,进而对Akamai公司失去了信心。Investors lost confidence in the company, fearing that the loss of Lewin was irreparable.

在每日催促我们死亡的竞赛中,肉体因不可修补而领先。In that race which daily hastens us toward death, the body maintains its irreparable lead.

查尔斯与戴安娜婚姻的破裂似乎给他的形象造成了不可弥补的损害。The damage to his image caused by the break-down of his marriage to Diana seems irreparable.

如果要这样做,一方必须证明若该行为不被制止将导致不可修复的危害。To do so, a party must show that irreparable harm would result unless the activity is stopped.

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两年后回到家里,原本不和睦的父母感情已经破裂了,到了无可挽救的地步。Two years later, back home, originally unhappy parents affection is broken, to the irreparable.

这只公野猪把土翻得像犁沟似的,给这些耕地造成了不可弥补的损失。The wild boar ploughs the earth up like a furrow, and does irreparable damage in the cultivated lands.

“他应该知道这件事情如果拖下去,对他将会造成无可补救的损害,”甘老头子说。"He ought to see that this thing, if continued, is going to do him irreparable damage, " said Mr. Kane.

但在长江源头,辛元红多次目击了这个生态链条不可逆转地被破坏。"It's a closed, fragile chain, " he said. In many locations, he has seen irreparable damage to its links.

该企业发起了针对小企业的管理培训方案。It suffers from an inherent and irreparable pany initiated a management training program for small businesses.

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如果真的要回来的路上下坡,你有一个轮胎漏气或其他不可弥补的缺陷。所以,才下雨。If it really go on the way back downhill, you have a flat tire or other irreparable defect. Therefore it will rain.

整整三天,烟雾笼罩整个伦敦,等到散去的时候,已对伦敦造成了许多难以挽回的损坏。For three days it hung over London, and by the time it cleared irreparable damage had been done to many in the city.

长城部分城墙满是涂鸦,给长城城体带来了无法弥补的创伤。Some sections of the Wall are covered in graffiti and irreparable damage has caused to much of the wall's structure.

高剂量的碘-131主要通过牛奶传播,使暴露儿童的甲状腺遭受到无法挽回的损伤。Children exposed to the highest levels of iodine-131, mainly through milk, suffered irreparable harm to their thyroids.

无论价格高低──从2英镑到200万英镑──石英表的发展方向就是可丢弃的,过一段时间就不可修复了。Regardless of the price -- from GBP 2 to GBP 2 million -- the movements are disposable and, after a while, irreparable.

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然而由于有些人交通安全意识的淡薄,在车水马龙的马路上演了一幕幕不可挽回的悲剧。However, some people because of the weak awareness of road safety, in the busy street scenes staged irreparable tragedy.

犹他州温多弗空军基地的曼哈顿伊诺拉盖伊计划也在名单中,它面临的损害是无法弥补的。The Manhattan Project's Enola Gay Hangar at Wendover Airfield in Utah, also on the list, is at risk of irreparable damage.

即使能挽救回生命,犬瘟病毒对狗的神经系统的伤害却是无法弥补的。Even if a dog does not die from the disease, canine distemper virus can cause irreparable damage to a dog's nervous system.