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潮差昼夜变化在0.67米左右。Diurnal tidal range of 0.67 meters.

是一个典型的潮汐汊道系统。And is a typical tidal inlet system.

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石眼很适合潮间带生物Rock Eyes Better for Tidal Creatures

按比例分摊海啸的高度。Prorate the height of the tidal waves.

潮水坑,西古尔兹堡,缅因州,1984。Tidal Pools, West Gouldsboro, Maine, 1984

农历八月十八是一年一度的观潮日。The annual lunar August 18, tidal bore is.

潮差东部大于西部。Tidal range is greater than the east west.

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潮汐波浪现在也能生效于潮汐激流。Tidal Waves will now also proc with Riptide.

钱塘江河口存在广阔的潮滩地。There exist wide tidal fiats in Qiantang Estuary.

开发潮汐能可能是下一个机会。Tidal and wave energy could offer a second chance.

一些科学家们正在努力研究怎样利用潮汐发电。Some scientists are hard at how use of tidal power.

石海涛是一名某高校的学生。The stone tidal bore is a some university's student.

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尖山,钱江畔,潮邦的诞生地。Jianshan Oiantang River, tidal state, the birthplace.

在潮坪上生长着大量的红树林。On the tidal flat, the mangrove meashes spread widely.

我们随着观潮的人群,登上了海塘大堤。We with the crowd, tidal bore on embankment is adopted.

潮汐海灵·沸嘶,就是一个很好的例子。Fizz, the Tidal Trickster, is a perfect example of this.

一些科学家们正在努力研究怎样利用潮汐发电。Some scientists are studying how to harness tidal power.

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如今,曾经的涓涓细流已经会流成惊天巨浪。What began as a trickle now has turned into a tidal wave.

例如东部潮差较大,水位较低。Tidal ranges are larger and water levels lower in the east.

也可为GPS等空间大地测量观测数据改进潮汐位移修正,提供参考。And it can also improve tidal displacement revises of GPS data.