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可是我们总是粗心大意,没有防范这潜行者。But we are often careless, unmindful of the prowler.

每个乘客都不顾其他人涌向出口。Each passenger rushed toward the exit, unmindful of the others.

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我们无疑不会忘记我们从天体演化学经典大师们那里得到的教益。We are surely not unmindful of our debt to the great classical figures of cosmogony.

我知道你们中的一些人,今天来到这里,是因为你们所受的巨大苦难和压迫。I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations.

你轻忽了生你的磐石,你忘记了产你的神。Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful , and hast forgotten God that formed thee.

然而,仍有些人对意大利“太阳不到,医生到”的谚语不屑一顾。Yet, people are still unmindful of the Italian saying that where the sun does not go the doctor does.

我认为全盘相信一方的观点只会把自己蒙在鼓里。I think believing full scale only on the versions of one party is being unmindful of what the truth is.

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千禧一代显然对哈丁的警告不以为然,每天都在颂扬全球“公地”。The millennial generation is celebrating the global commons every day, apparently unmindful of Hardin's warning.

有几个人似乎没注意他,只是一个劲儿地望着陪审团,很不耐烦,对于他们怎么这样拖拖拉拉感到不解。A few there were, who seemed unmindful of him, and looked only to the jury, in impatient wonder how they could delay.

狐狸,对它古老的狡猾并不留心,会咬野猪的左蹄,把它完全地从野猪的身体切断。The Fox, not unmindful of its ancient cunning, will bite the Boars left hoof and sever it completely from the Boars body.

大地被厚厚的植被覆盖,我们可以赤脚溜达,未曾留意脚下锐利的火山岩。The ground was so thickly padded with vegetation that we could walk around barefoot unmindful of the sharp volcanic rock beneath.

安杰尔认为企业赞助的法案会忽视消费者的利益,食品商人也将安杰尔视为令自己忧心忡忡的恶魔。Angell thought business-sponsored bills were too unmindful of the consumer, whereas businessmen thought Angell a devilish alarmist.

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相对于“许许多多”的漫不经心,更多的求职者则显得比较有诚意,留下了更为详细的信息。Opposite at " lots and lots of " unmindful , more to apply for a job person appear have sincerity quite, left more detailed message.

别小看王石一句漫不经心的“喜欢”,他手里攥的可是国家登山运动健将的资格。The sentence "I like it" seems to be unmindful , but he really holds the qualification of national master sportsman in mountaineering.

不知大祸将要降临到自己头上的燕雀们正在安然自若地品味这表面上的安宁所带来的幸福。But those swallows and sparrows are unmindful of the coming disaster. They go on with their superficial happiness brought by peace and calm.

我并非没有注意到你们有些人历尽艰难困苦来到这里。你们有些人刚刚走出狭小的牢房。I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells.

然而,仍然能发现一些人故意将阳光拒之门外,对意大利“太阳不到,医生到”的谚语不屑一顾。Yet people are still to be found who deliberately shut out the sun from their rooms, and are unmindful of the Italian saying that where the sun does not go the doctor does.

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有时候,糟糕的沟通所要付出的代价你很快就能看到。有时候,无意识的沟通习惯所带来的消极结果需要较长一段时间才能显现。Sometimes the cost of poor communication is immediate, and sometimes it takes a bit longer for the negative consequences of unmindful communication habits to become evident.