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肉冻凝结起来了。The jelly has set.

果子冻凝结不起来。The jelly won't jell.

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烤面包和果酱怎么样?How about toast and jelly?

附送透明胶手袋1个!Comes with 1 lovely Jelly Bag!

死水母甚至也会蛰人!Even dead jelly fish can sting!

果子冻受冷后会凝固。Jelly solidifies as it gets cold.

这是我自己制作的山楂糕。I made this haw jelly cake myself.

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如果你加热它,它就转化为果冻一样的胶状物。If you heat it, it turns to jelly.

这种肉冻要四个小时才能凝固。This jelly will set in four hours.

小女生的情歌。软软的果冻。Little girls love song. Soft jelly.

蜂王浆和蜂蜜不一样吗?Are royal jelly and honey different?

让我们来参加软糖豆味道测试吧!Let's take the Jelly Bean Taste Test!

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但如果你加热它,它就转化为果冻一样的胶状物。But if you heat it, it turns to jelly.

就像黏黏的胶囊注满了冻糊糊。Like sticky capsules filled with jelly.

我的朋友喜欢吃甜面圈儿。My friend likes to eat jelly doughnuts.

他用了大约一千个糖豆。And he uses about a thousand jelly beans.

蟹肉沙拉配虾酱,放在鳄梨泥上。Crab Salad with Avacado and Bisque Jelly.

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冷冻可使果冻凝固。Chilled or otherwise congealed into jelly.

每天三次搽用这管软膏。Apply this tube of jelly three times a day.

烹调直到水果变成黏稠的果冻。Cook until the fruit becomes a thick jelly.