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他扛着校旗。He carries the school banner.

落魄者高擎我的旗帜。The wretched hold my banner high.

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一一和平发展是旗帜。Peaceful development is the banner.

Webinar广告中明亮的线性渐变Bright linear fade in Webinar banner

他们把我的报道加了个通栏大标题。They headed my report with a banner.

没有旗帜定牌生产免费网页。Free pages not brandable with banner.

当旋风把我的大旗张扬。When the whirlwinds my banner unfurl.

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这是公司特别畅旺的一年。This is a banner year for the company.

当我说道这个的时候,不要光想到网站的Banner广告条。Don't think banner ads when I say that.

高举马列主义的大旗。Raise high the banner Marxism-Leninism.

这就是著名的星条旗。This is the famous Star-Spangled Banner.

主帆耷拉着,像一面旗帜。The main-sail hung drooped like a banner.

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他们在电子邮件中把我们当作广告条给拒绝了。Their e-mail said reject to us as banner.

他使旗帜成褶皱状从阳台上垂下。He is draping the banner from the balcony.

从这里你能看清那个横幅标语吗?Can you read that banner from this distance?

国王的帐篷上飘扬著王旗。The king's banner was flying above his tent.

爱国志士们打出了自由的旗帜。The patriots unfurled the banner of freedom.

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约翰在**时举着我们的校旗。John carried our school banner in the parade.

我们应当在社会主义的旗帜下团结起来。We should rally under the banner of socialism.

修正纹章甲上的旗帜显示问题。Fixed banner display problems on heraldic armors.