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实际上我们在自家的房子里也有闸刀。We actually have a tame guillotine in our house.

请记住,空想的社会主义乌托邦只带来了法国大革命期间巴黎四处竖立的断头台和苏共集权统治下的古拉格群岛。Because utopias lead to the guillotine and the gulag.

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他假装结束了他的生命-----用断头台上的刀把他的勃子切下来。He ends it by pretending to end his life – with a guillotine.

他们把牧师放在断头台上,放下铡刀。They placed the Priest in the guillotine facing up and released the blade.

众百姓都要冲到断头台上救下王小红和梅贤祖。All the people had to rush to the guillotine save WangXiaoGong and MeiXianZu.

1789年罗伯斯庇尔才31岁,被送上断头台时才36岁。Robespierre was only 31 in 1789, and he was 36 when he was sent to the guillotine.

而这件特别的东西是由一个法国人发明的,名叫“断头台”。That particular one thing was invented by a Frenchman and it is called "guillotine.

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他们站在一种巨大的矛盾的刀刃上,他们求助于断头台上的刀刃。They straddled a gigantic contradiction and called the blade of the guillotine to their aid.

所以当另一个人被装在车里押到断头台行刑时,我们的主角就代替了他。And so as the other man is being carted off to the guillotine to be killed, our hero takes his place.

年仅十五岁的她,为什么会在铡刀面前坚贞不屈、视死如归呢?She was only fifteen years old, why would the guillotine before the unyielding, unafraid of death it?

结论热牙胶挤压术使充填侧支根管得到良好充填效果。Conclusion Hot guttapercha guillotine operation has a good effect to fill collateral branch root canal.

你们能看到这个双端闸床破裂,压力大约是在20到25磅每平方英寸。You can see in this double ended guillotine break the pressure was around twenty two to twenty five psi.

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他像个死囚犯似的从椅子上站起来,步履沉缓地走上讲台,那样子像是走向断头台。He got up from his chair like a condemned man and plodded to the lectern as though going to the guillotine.

一项最新的研究确定,这只葫芦里可能含有路易斯十六的血迹,他就是在这一年被送上断头台处死的。New research determines it may contain the blood of Louis XVI, who was executed by guillotine that same year.

现在,两端闸床断裂在这发生了,我们现在要做的,这也是个冷柱,抱歉。Now the double ended guillotine break occurs here and what we're trying to do now no, this is also a cold leg I apologise.

就像别人代替我在弦乐四重奏团演出一样,看上去有人可以代替我上断头台。Just like somebody could take my place in the string quartet, it seems that somebody could take my place at the guillotine.

我们谈论的是,一个反应堆出现了破裂,在主系统的冷却系统,还有两端,闸床的破裂是什么?So we're talking about a reactor that has a break in the primary cooling system and what is a double ended guillotine break?

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律师想,“如果牧师没事,我也会没事,”他们把他脸朝上放在断头台上,放下铡刀,离律师几英寸远时铡刀也停止了。The lawyer thought, Well if it worked for the priest, it might work for me, so they placed him in the guillotine looking up.

“依据我们沙漠的规定,你们这些可怜的异教徒必须被处死,”野蛮的首领说道。“把断头台架设好。”"By the code of the desert you miserable infidels must be destroyed, " declared their savage leader. "Set up the guillotine ! "

“不过说到底,目前你恐怕还没有福气在这儿光荣地走上断头台呢,”杜歇先生说下去。"I'm afraid, after all, you won't have the pleasure of going gracefully to the guillotine here just now, " Mr. Touchett went on.