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目前有18000人在明斯克拖拉机厂工作。There are 18,000 people currently working at Minsk Tractor Works.

从我明斯克房子的窗户向外望去,我就可以这样的告诉他。I could tell him that just by looking out from my window in Minsk.

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联合起来的露西亚与乌克兰军队在1655年占领了维尔纽斯明斯克。The united Russian-Ukrainian armies captured Minsk and Vilnius in 1655.

温家宝是在结束对土库曼斯坦正式访问后来到明斯克的。Wen arrived in Minsk after concluding his official visit to Turkmenistan.

同时还有一些高山滑雪场坐落在离明斯克30公里的地域。There are also skiing resorts situated 30km from Minsk for mountain skiing.

在先后与卡塔尼亚1-1和在明斯克2-2的平局之后,对他来说,缺少的只是胜利的喜悦。But what is missing is the joy of a win after first the 1-1 draw with Catania, and now this 2-2 in Minsk.

假如你来本人们的城市,你能够观光许多景点,就像世界之窗,欢乐谷和明斯克世界。If you come to our city, you can visit lots of sights, for example, Window of the World, Happy Valley and Minsk World.

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现在就让我们带你到明斯克一家生产果汁、苏打水和其它软饮料的工产来看一看。This time we're going to take you to the Minsk Soft Drinks Factory which produces juices, sodas and other soft drinks.

2008年7月,卢卡申科在明斯克参加一场露天音乐会,会场遭遇爆炸袭击,50人受伤。July 2008, Lukashenko in Minsk to participate in an open-air concert venue suffered bomb attacks, 50 people were injured.

莫斯科和明斯克坚持认为,这次“西方”演习有助于“确保东欧地区的战略稳定”。Moscow and Minsk have insisted that Operation West was to help "ensure the strategic stability in the East European region".

它还参加了波兰、匈牙利、明斯克等地的战斗,其中一少部分参加了柏林保卫战。It also served in various other operations in Poland, Hungary, Minsk and a small number also defended Berlin in April and May 1945.

由于设计中的居民区正对着污染的明斯科路,工业区对着景色如画的高尔夫球场地,设计者分别受到了批评。They were criticized for inversion of residential and industrial areas which faced the polluted Minsk road and picturesque golf field, respectively.

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孩子们在湖中发挥夕阳,外面明斯克8月6日,2010年在明斯克的气温一直在摄氏36度左右徘徊,97华氏度。Kids play in a lake during sunset, outside Minsk, on August 6, 2010 as temperatures in Minsk have been hovering around 36 degrees celsius, 97 fahrenheit.