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多脏的脸啊!How dirty face!

你个下贱的骗子!You dirty liar!

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这是一笔肮脏的交易。It's a dirty deal.

辉儿的脸很脏。Huey's face if dirty.

我有脏衣服要送洗。I have dirty laundry.

噜尼的房间很脏。Lu Ni's room is dirty.

看他的脏脸。Look at his dirty face.

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他把衣服弄脏了。He got his clothes dirty.

床单是脏的。The bed-sheets are dirty.

百分之三十的水是脏的。Thirty of water is dirty.

让我一个肮脏的老妪!Make me a dirty old woman!

说说下流的政治。Talk about dirty politics.

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一些水是脏的。Some of the water is dirty.

非常肮脏的交易。Very dirty business indeed.

你的合伙人是个卑鄙小人。Your partner is a dirty dog.

别搞脏了你的衣服。Don't get your clothes dirty.

所有人的车都会变脏的。Everyone’s car will be dirty.

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哈斯勒姆可以做蓝领工作。Haslem can do the dirty work.

在那腌臜巷子的腌臜一端At the dirty end of Dirty Lane

给轮船装煤是很脏的活。Coaling a ship is a dirty job.