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这部新小说是一怖引人入胜赌家世孝说。This new novel is an absorbing saga.

这部新小说是一部引人入胜的家世小说。This new novel is an absorbing family saga.

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利用一种吸收剂捕集二氧化碳排放。Use of an absorbing agent to capture emissions.

超强减震弹性底脚。Super strong shock absorbing and elastic anchor.

它正迅速吸收和非粘性的脸。Its is fast absorbing and non-sticky on the face.

我神魂颠倒,目睹吸收了多少神妙之处。I was carried away, seeing, absorbing many wonders.

本发明具有良好的防水性能和有优异的吸墨性能。It has fine water proof and ink absorbing features.

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你在复习大本技历还得硕士学历?You are not absorbing to Bachelor or Master degree?

因此,将巢湖的土地并入合肥对后者的发展有利。It needs land, so absorbing Chaohu will benefit Hefei.

这本书很引人入胜,但读起来并不轻松。The book is an absorbing read, but not a comfortable one.

这次的报告会才一开题就吸引了听众们。The report meeting was absorbing right from the beginning.

在洗澡后吸收了湿气,你将可以秤重。After absorbing moisture during bathing, u will get weight.

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墙壁和天花板使用了吸音材料。Sound absorbing material has been used in walls and ceiling.

光触媒通过吸收光线发生化学反应。Photo-catalyst facilitates chemical reactions by absorbing light.

免何己假如结束吸取旧学问,便确定会落伍。Anyone who stops absorbing new knowledge is certain to lag behind.

它是载热体,从炉膛吸入或放出热量。It is a heat carrier, absorbing or releasing heat from the furnace.

建议采取有效收尘除尘。Good dust absorbing and cleansing methods are suggested to be taken.

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这就允许第一个容器通过吸收周围的热量来重新升温…This permits the first container to re-warm by absorbing ambient heat.

杨梅正在就英语重难点型和她的老师萨拉谈话。Yang Mei is having a talk dawn IT teacIT Sara acres absorbing English.

特别是在柴油发动机,机油变稠因吸收烟尘。In diesel engines in particular, the oil can thicken by absorbing soot.