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我们转回到那个十字路口吧。Let's go back to that crossroad.

两辆小车在十字路口相撞。The two cars crashed at the crossroad.

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今天我们就站在类似的十字路口。We stand today at a similar crossroad.

超轻7005铝合金双抽管车架。Alu Superlite 7005 Crossroad Double Butted.

敌人炮兵集中炮火于那个十字路口。An enemy battery zeroed in on the crossroad.

先生对离婚这件事,处于抉择时刻。Mr. B is at a crossroad on getting a divorce.

和许多年轻人一样,艾莉丝站在了人生的十字路口。Like many young people, Eilis stands at a crossroad.

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我家住在桥那边第三个十字路口。My house is at the third crossroad after the bridge.

沿这条路直走,在第一个路口右转。Follow this road and turn right at the first crossroad.

他在这个国家的每一个十字路口都设立了一个邮政局长。it plants a lieutenant of the State at every country crossroad.

十字路口上很快就聚集了一群人,都想看看出了什么事。A crowd soon collected at the crossroad to see what had happened.

这一章是哥林多前书的一个重要十字路口。This chapter is a major crossroad in the epistle to the Corinthians.

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每到人生的十字街头,人们都会面临艰难的抉择…At the crossroad of one's life, everyone has to make a difficult choice.

学校前面的十字路对孩子们的安全是一个威胁。The crossroad in front of the school is a menace to the children's safety.

交叉路口检查站的沙包上架着机枪,粗大的枪管往外瞄着。At crossroad checkpoints the fat barrels of machine guns peek over sandbags.

我正骑着自行车过一个十字路口,突然一辆轿车从我的右侧面开过来。I was riding across a crossroad when a car rushed out from my fight against me.

我认为中国将在21世纪遇到大麻烦,十字路口前的泥沼还在等着他们。I think China has a huge way in 21 Century and the bog crossroad is still ahead.

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中国的经济型连锁酒店经过连续几年的高速发展,正处在规模扩张的十字路口。After many years of developing, China's Economical Hotel Chains are at a crossroad.

火光被雨打湿,熄灭,她来到这个城市一个普通的十字路口。Wet by rain, the firelight was out, as she came to a common crossroad of this city.

但是当他来到第二个十字路口时,他已经忘了正确的转法。But when he came to the second crossroad , he had forgotten the right way of turning.