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独特的ATC和APC电路通过控制泵浦激光器的输出保证了输出功率的稳定。Inimitable ATC and APC circuit to ensure the stability of output power.

在此基础上,考察了福柯别开生面的权力观。Based on this, the thesis reviews Foucaults inimitable conception of power.

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无人能比的彼得闀·亨宁格尔自然是主要的票房吸引力所在。The major box office attraction was, of course, the inimitable Peter Hunningale.

17世纪荷兰画家约翰尼斯·弗米尔在画家中占有一个无与伦比的地位。The 17th-century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer holds an inimitable place among painters.

幸运的是,只有少数在该地区的建筑物,破坏这一独特而独特的景观。Fortunately, there are only the few buildings in the region that ruin this unique and inimitable landscape.

双话题平行推进是网络交际语言中存在的一种独特的语言现象。The parallel development of double-topic is among the inimitable phenomena of cyber communication language.

墨色之间的浓淡穿插,赋予画面极强的呼吸感,又不失隐约的神秘。The variation of shade gives the whole picture such a spacious view, but never lose its inimitable mystery.

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上海善通商务咨询有限公司是一家全新的、专业的和独特的咨询机构。Shanghai Per-cess Business Consulting Co. , Ltd. is a consultancy brand new but professional and inimitable.

这座不夜城活力无限,熙熙攘攘,保证你永远不会厌倦。The city that never sleeps has an inimitable energy and enough hustle and bustle to ensure you'll never be bored.

这时候可以听见无可模拟的猎人的呼唤声,呼噜声中既含有最深沉的男低音,又含有最尖细的男高音。He heard at that moment the inimitable hunting halloo which unites the deepest bass and the shrillest tenor notes.

他咆哮般的口音是通晓多种语言的人独有的特点,散发着一种被他称为“全球流浪者”所独具的疲惫感。His accent, an inimitable polyglot growl, radiates a weariness that comes with being what he calls a “global nomad.”

然而,即使梅西的存在,再有千般魔法,万般球艺,也难改马拉多纳一手所缔造的不稳态势。But even Leo Messi may not have enough magic in those inimitable fleet feet to overcome a certain Maradona-created instability.

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约翰·柯扎将进化处理两个界定不清且并行的问题的能力看作它的另一个不可仿效的优势。John Koza sees the ability of evolution to work on both ill-defined and parallel problems as another of its inimitable advantages.

乔布斯是一个以独特方式追求完美与成功的标准的耐风险美国企业家。His was a quintessentially American story of risk-tolerant entrepreneurs who sought the ideal and succeeded to an inimitable degree.

其印刷技术从选材、雕版、印刷,在当时都有无比的优越性。Its printing technology, including selection, vulture version, and printing, all of which were in inimitable advantage of that period.

我们的世界里有孔雀、鹦鹉、云雀和金丝雀的无与伦比的歌唱,没有什么是比这更好的。In the seventh place, there are peacocks, parrots, skylarks and canaries singing inimitable songs, and there is nothing better than that.

女性作家们因其对消费的敏感以其独特的表达方式来描述女性的特有经验。Owning to the sensitivity of consumption, the women author described the unique experience of all the females with their inimitable method.

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这种典范源自于两位匈牙利数学家的研究,他们分别是卓然不凡的艾狄胥,以及与他密切的合作夥伴瑞尼。This paradigm has its roots in the work of two Hungarian mathematicians, the inimitable Paul Erdös and his close collaborator Alfréd Rényi.

室内布置庄重典雅,显示了史量才这位报界巨头的独特口味。The indoor arrangement of this residence was stately and elegant, which displayed Shi Liangcai's inimitable taste as a magnate of the press circles.

色彩作为地铁标识导向系统中的重要元素,具有图形和文字不可比拟的优势。Color which is used for the important element in the metro signage and wayfinding system has more inimitable advantages than the graphics and the texts.