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那是污染。That was pollution.

拒绝白色污染。Refuse white pollution.

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水和空气污染在蔓延。Water and air pollution spread.

所有的交通都引起污染。All the traffic causes pollution.

我们可以怎样防止海洋污染?How can we prevent sea pollution?

酸雨主要是局地污染造成。It was caused by local pollution.

防治煤烟型污染。Preventing coal-burning pollution?

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这样的音乐是对耳朵的污染。Such music is pollution to the ear.

有些污染则是来自附近的。Some pollution comes from nearer by.

对于污染者来说,污染环境的代价是便宜的。Pollution is cheap, for the polluter.

海洋污染是由什么引起的?What are the causes of sea pollution?

中国最主要的污染是什么?What's the commen pollution in china?

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夜晚的污染程度则会下降。Pollution levels fall during nightime.

我们敢和污染作斗争。We dare to struggle against pollution.

土壤污染的起因是什么?What are the causes of land pollution?

做一切你能做的以避免空气的污染。Do what you can to avoid air pollution.

没有人能忍受受“白色污染”。No one can stand the "white pollution".

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天之道,利而不害。The word of the day, without pollution.

光污染就是其中的一个方面。Light pollution is the main one of them.

更不会造成二次污染。More will not cause secondary pollution.