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用脉冲可调谐染料激光共振激励火焰中的钠原子。Sodium atoms in flame can be resonantly excited by pulsed tunable dye laser.

浓郁的黑浆果和李子的香味混合糕饼的香味。Richly scanted dark berry and plum aroma with complex fruitcake, richness and resonantly depth.

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在为了提高灵敏度,该系统,传感器16和18岁以下的共振兴奋。In order to enhance the sensitivity of the system, the transducers 16 and 18 are resonantly excited.

提出了一个利用单模腔场和原子的共振相互作用制备团簇态的方案,并引入了辅助原子。We utilize the atoms interact resonantly with a single-mode cavity, and introduce an auxiliary atom.

根据连续辐射强度的波长分布,提出了原子对激光诱导等离子体连续辐射共振吸收机理。On the basis of wavelength distribution of the continuum emission, we suggested that atom Al resonantly absorbing continuum radiation was suggested.

从根本上而言,科学也是我们对不停变化的,自身生命存在形式中体验的有共鸣的美好经历的尊敬与敬畏的一种表达。Science at its root is also an expression of reverence and awe for the endless varied, resonantly beautiful experience we can find ourselves immersed in.

提出了一个利用两个超导量子干涉仪与腔的共振相互作用来实现D-J算法的简单的方案。Ascheme for implementing the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm is proposed by using two superconducting quantum interference devices interact with a cavity resonantly.

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对某存在极限环复杂分岔序列的二自由度非线性自治系统,通过与受共振激励的单自由度非线性系统耦合,成功抑制了系统中极限环高次分岔。For a 2 dof nonlinear autonomous system, the complicated bifurcation sequence of its limit cycles is suppressed by coupling it with a resonantly excited Duffing system.

1962年的约翰。福特。沃斯特因它的重要座右铭而出名,“当神话变成事实,就将神话出版”,于是,“父辈的旗帜”就共鸣地持有这个主张。That 1962 John Ford Western is famous for its central maxim, "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend, " and "Flags" resonantly holds the notion up to the light.

研究了两个偶极偶极力关联的等同双能级原子与三模腔场六光子共振相互作用的辐射谱。The emission spectrum for a pair of dipole dipole coupled identical two level atoms interacting with three mode cavity fields resonantly through 6 photon process has been studied.

研究了近共振增强的四能级系统有机染料溶液中简并的四波混频后向反射波及前向波的位相复共轭特性。Phase conjugation of backward-and forward-wave produced by degenerate four-wave mixing using a nearly resonantly enhanced nonlinearity in four-level organic dye solutions was investigated.

根据油泵的工作状态,分析了管路发生共振的频率范围,确定了系统导管卡箍固定间距的安全范围。According to the oil pump′s work conditions, We analyzed the frequency range in which the pipelines can resonantly vibrate, and determined the range of fixture intervals for safely refueling.