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不会产生任何形式的胶状物。Elimination of gel formation and gumming deposits.

史上确实有口香糖粘住了肠子的病案。There have been genuine cases of gum gumming up intestines.

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丝胶的胶着性与胶凝有密切的关系。There are relationships between the gumming property of sericin and the gelation.

清洗剂及保护胶循环使用,上胶辊自动清洗。Cleanser and protective glue cycles automatically, washing the gumming roller automatically.

将华尔街搅得一团糟的大部分都是投资者不想再染指的受损资产。Much of what's gumming up Wall Street is a glut of impaired assets that investors no longer want.

拖垮市场的是一种恐慌情绪,你会担心你的交易对手是否遭受了损失。It is the fear that your counterparty might be in that predicament that is gumming up the markets.

事实上,有那么一点正好相反,胶原会聚集在一起抑制新陈代谢过程。In fact, it sort of does the opposite, by gumming up the works and inhibiting the metabolic process.

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大量的抗生素,包括四环素和氯洁霉素,是通过进入细菌内部的核糖体而对细菌产生抑制作用。Dozens of antibiotics — including tetracycline and clindamycin — work by gumming up the ribosomes inside bacteria.

比起人们总是把事情弄糟,机器之间如果共享信息,那么办事效率会更高。Machines sharing information with other machines is more efficient than having one of us humans gumming up the works.

尽管这还不像看到她粘着手上的玩具枪不放时那么高兴,不过这什么好抱怨的。Not as happy as it would have made him to see her stop gumming on the barrel of her toy gun, but he wasn't complaining.

有些工作脱胶了抗生素的细菌的核糖体,让这些细菌必须在不停止其主机的危险。Some antibiotics work by gumming up the ribosomes of bacteria, allowing those bacteria to be stopped at no danger to their host.

而合理的环境能阻止丝胶的胶凝作用,茧丝间胶着力弱,蚕茧解舒优。However, proper conditions can prevent sericin from gelation and improve cocoon reelability due to weaker gumming force among bayes.

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交易者做的最糟糕的事就是公布自己的仓位,为了自负而暴露离决策过程。One of the worst things a trader can do is reveal his open trades, putting his ego on the line and gumming up the decision-making process.

在这种议事传统下,参议员取得封杀心中所恶重要职务提名人的权力,以换取不一味抵制议事的默契。And a tradition has grown up under which senators, in return for not gumming up everything, get the right to block nominees they don't like.

它可以为企业减少人工折边、涂胶和粘盒等繁琐的问题,而且还能提高企业的生产效率和产品质量。It can decrease such questions such as manual folding, gumming and sealing. Furthermore, the product can enhance quality and productivity efficiency.

上述行动减少了货币市场基金给商业票据市场上企业和银行提供的短期贷款数量,堵塞了美国金融体系中的一条重要管道。Such moves reduced the amount of short-term loans made by money-market funds to companies and banks in the commercial-paper market, gumming up an important pipe in the financial edifice.

交易者做的最糟糕的事就是公布自己的仓位,为了自负而暴露离决策过程。One of the worst things a trader can do is reveal his open trades, putting his ego on the line and gumming up the decision-making process. Completed trades are history, from which we may learn.