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是门牙。The tooth.

我的牙齿很痛。My tooth hurts.

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我的牙齿松动了!My tooth is Loose!

这个牙松了。This tooth is loose.

接着说佛牙舍利。Cue the Buddha tooth.

我的一个牙齿松动了。I have a loose tooth.

我有一颗牙齿很痛。I’ve got a sore tooth.

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她有颗牙松了。She has a loose tooth.

你哪一颗牙齿痛?Which tooth pains you?

我有一颗虫牙。I have a decayed tooth.

你的牙齿会痛吗?Does your tooth pain you?

我有一颗牙齿松动了。I have got a loose tooth.

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他的牙疼了一整夜。His tooth ached all night.

指出哪颗牙齿痛。Show me the painful tooth.

锡德尼拔了一颗牙。Sidney had a tooth removed.

我的牙就是因为他这样才掉的。That's how I lost my tooth.

这颗牙蛀得厉害。The tooth is badly decayed.

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可以用来做牙齿漂白剂。Use it as a tooth whitener.

接入点映射与蓝牙技术。Ward riving and blue tooth.

要是牙齿松动怎摸办?What if the tooth is loose?