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采用液晶显示,现时内容丰富、直观。It adapts LDC show, rich real-time contents.

二零零一年五月一日,土地发展公司由市区重建局取代。The LDC was replaced by the Urban Renewal Authority on May 1, 2001.

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本文中所用的双语语料是LDC的关于香港的双语新闻报道。The bilingual corpus in this paper is LDC parallel texts in Hong Kong newspaper.

制度性因素主要由不发达国家的自身制度和国际经济制度构成。The systematic factor consists of the domestic system of LDC and the international economic system.

照明设计中心工程师的创新精神和努力工作为库柏照明的销售作出积极的贡献。The innovation and hard working of LDC engineers make a significant contribution to Cooper Lighting sales.

每逢阵亡将土纪念日,美国现役军人和老战土便排成长长的队伍前往墓地。LDC killed every day, the United States will be filed into a long line of soil and old team to the cemetery.

在弧焊逆变电源中采用LDC滤波电路,可以降低直流线上的电压纹波。The LDC filter is introduced into a rc welding inverter power source and the voltage ripple of the DC line is decreased.

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他们鸣枪向阵亡将士致敬,并吹响军中熄灯号,表示让死难将土安息。They started to pay tribute to the fallen soldiers, the military and blew the lights-out signal that the LDC will allow victims to rest.

陈玉驹主席出席华埠共同发展机构新任行政总监陈作舟先生的记者招待会。President York Chan attended the press conference for welcoming Wellington Chen, the new executive director of Chinatown Partnership LDC.

因此,改革国内制度和改革国际经济制度,是不发达国家实现后发优势的重要条件。There fore, to re form the domestic system and the international economic system is a significant condition for LDC to realizing the late-developing advantage.

最后通过仿真说明了LDC码的纠错能力与各项参数的关系,指出了其应用前景。The simulation results show the relation between parameters of LDC codes and the error-correcting performance. The future applications are pointed out in the end.

铲子里还带着刚从地下带出的土,奇怪的是,这一杯土正不停的向外渗着鲜红的液体,就像刚刚在鲜血里蘸过一样。Also with a shovel in the ground floor , just out of the soil, strange that this cup is kept outside the LDC Shenzhuo red liquid, as in the blood, just like a dip.

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发达国家企业的年金计划的建立在近几年来迅速发展与这些国家采取不同程度的税收优惠政策密切相关。The establishment of LDC enterprise annuity plans are closely related to their adopting different levels of preferential taxation policies with the rapid development in recent years.

结果显示,发达国家实行排污标准,短期内对发展中国家的低减污产品构成非关税壁垒,长期中却提升发展中国家产品的减污量及出口量。Analysis indicates that ES adopted by the DC constitutes a non-tariff barrier to low abated products from the LDC in short term, whereas it increases the export of the LDC in long term.

制定并执行全国各地仓库间的货物调配计划,带领物流团队评估选择最优配送方案,有效满足各地渠道的需求。Work out and execute goods allocation plan, Work closely with logistics team to manage and organize goods movement between LDC nation wide to meet the demands of sell-in in optimum way.