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电影非常令人沮丧而且还虎头蛇尾的。It's just very depressing and anticlimactic.

一周当中,最让你郁闷的是哪一天?What is the most depressing day of the week?

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真是叫人丧气,很挫败啊This is really depressing. It's discouraging.

从墙的东面看去,它是灰色而压抑的。From the East, the Wall was gray and depressing.

跟你说,朋友们,从来没有比这个更杯具的了。It doesn’t get more depressing than this, friends.

真正令人不安的是我们争论的腔调。What is really depressing is the tone of our debate.

我并不认为这全是一种令人沮丧的经历。I don’t think this is always a depressing experience.

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今天打斗牛输啦1500块钱郁闷死了。Today play bullfight lose 1500 dollars depressing dead.

如果我继续呆在那里,我的生活会空虚沮丧。If I stayed there, my life would be empty and depressing.

你会进入一个历时很长的、令人沮丧的失败周期。You may be months into a long depressing cycle of failure.

但就连这个令人沮丧的数字也粉饰了真实情况。But even that depressing figure flatters the real situation.

相似于棕、黑等暗色会使人发生压制感。Dark colors such as brown and black have a depressing effect.

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有人总是给你挑毛病,这让人感到很沮丧。It's depressing to have someone always finding fault with you.

尽管有些忧郁和绝望。Even though it was kind of like, you know, dark and depressing.

然后第三定律跳出来,这里就是杯具的所在。And then the third law comes in, and that's the depressing part here.

最好趁现在去看看,赶在小巷变成商城前。Go now before the colorful alleyways are replaced by depressing malls.

没有在“关门时间”之内冲到终点线是让人沮丧的。It is depressing to finish without a finish line and an official time.

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尽管这看似是个令人担忧的消息,但其实不然。Even though this may seem like depressing information, it’s really not.

但我不知道自己想要做什么,那种感觉真的很可怕也很压抑。But I had no idea what I wanted to do.That was really scary and depressing.

因此,说反公司的气候在抑制支出,证据何在?So where's the evidence that an antibusiness climate is depressing spending?