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这同样也适用于黄道上的星座和恒星。The same applies to the zodiacal signs and the stars.

一个人的黄道带的标志是连接到他或她的出生日期。A person's zodiacal sign is connected to his or her birth date.

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魔羯座是十二星座中最稳定和严肃的。Capricorn is one of the most stable and serious of the zodiacal types.

而影像左端看起来像是黄道光镜像的条状光晕,则可以见到我们银河系的盘面。The band of our Milky Way Galaxy on the left mirrors the zodiacal band.

每个行星总是在被发现的星座上起作用。Each planet always acts conjointly with the zodiacal sign in which it is found.

黄道光指的是在黄道平面上漫散射的太阳光。The zodiacal glow refers to the diffuse scattered sunlight on the ecliptic plane.

要看到黄道光,需到一个有着淡淡的夜色,漆黑的天空,灯光薄弱的地方。The zodiacal light can be seen for up to an hour before true dawn begins to break.

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天秤座现在仅仅是黄道带的一部分,并没有任何鲜活的代表和象征了。Libra is now the only zodiacal constellation that doesn't represent a living thing.

当你看到黄道光时,你看到的是我们太阳系的边缘。When you see the zodiacal light, you are looking edgewise into our own solar system.

对日照通过高角反射在黄道带的光圈中很容易辨明。The gegenschein is distinguished from zodiacal light by the high angle of reflection.

秋天是一年当中观测假曙光最佳时节,假曙光也是我们所知的黄道光。Autumn is the best time of year to see the false dawn, also known as the zodiacal light.

任何黄道状态好的星体可被认为吉星,不论它落在哪个宫位。Any planet in favorable zodiacal state is considered to be benefic, in whatever house it is.

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那样的话,那黄道带光能记住城镇的灯光仅仅在地平线之上。In that case, the zodiacal light can resemble the lights of a city or town just over the horizon.

几千年来,这颗黄道带的星座或是呈现一只鱼或是呈现两只鱼。For thousands of years, this faint zodiacal constellation has been seen either as one or two fish.

另外,行星的黄道状态不利时,无论在何宫位,都会产生不利影响。On the other hand, any planet in unfavorable zodiacal state, in whatever house, acts as a malefic.

黄道位置比较好,或者宫位比较有力,则这颗行星优于另一颗。The Planet whose Zodiacal state is better, or whose state is more powerful, prevails over another.

与发生在太阳附近的黄道光的区别就在于对日照的高反射角度。The gegenschein is distinguished from zodiacal light near the Sun by the high angle of reflection.

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在同一宫位,不同的行星会有不同的影响。这同样也适用于黄道上的星座和恒星。In the same house, each planet produces different effects. So also does each zodiacal sign, each star.

首先,太阳年复一年围绕我们地球上空日出和日落,黄道星座就是太阳轨迹的背景图。First, the zodiacal constellations are the backdrop for the pathway of the sun around our sky each year.

任何黄道状态中庸的星体,其效用介于吉星与凶星之间。Any planet in mediocre zodiacal state hasan influence intermediate between that of a benefic and a malefic.