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带显示的区域主要在着丝点附近。N-bands were mainly distributed near centromere in rice.

易位断点靠近着丝粒。The breakpoints of these translocations were adjacent to centromere.

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对偶体彼此相连于称为着丝粒的缩小的区域。The duplicates are attached to each other at a constricted region called the centromere.

染色体短臂近着丝粒区观察到次缢痕。The secondary constriction has been observed on the centromere region of the chromosome No.

着丝粒的位置和染色体在减数分裂中的行为也很重要。The position of the centromere and the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis also important.

随着染色体的复制,着丝粒始终连接着形成的两个染色单体。Following the replication of chromosomes resultant chromatids remain attached at the centromere.

全部染色体进行测量分析,计算相对长度和双臂染色体着丝粒指数。The chromosomes were measured and analysed on the basis of their relative length and centromere index.

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在减数分裂后期I中,由于纺锤丝的牵引,使成对的同源染色体各自发生分离,并分别向两极移动。During anaphase I of meiosis pairs of chromatids still connected at their centromere move to the spindle poles.

图表中出现的结果包括每条染色体的相对长度、臂比、着丝点指数。Table is presented listing the results obtained including the relative length, arm ratio and centromere index of each chromosome.

分裂前期,高度浓缩的两个染色单体通过着丝粒连接在一起。At the beginning of prophase the chromosomes each consist of two highly condensed chromatids attached to each other at a centromere.

在减数分裂期间,直到分裂后期II两条染色单体才随着着丝点的分裂而彼此分开。In meiosis it is not until anaphase II that the centromere divides, the chromatids being termed daughter chromosomes after separation.

该项研究中,团队首先通过将细菌基因组加入酵母着丝粒的方法将原生丝状支原体基因组织植入酵母进而克隆。In this study, the team began by cloning the native M. mycoides genome into yeast by adding a yeast centromere to the bacterial genome.

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常规染色法主要是通过观察染色体长度和着丝粒位置改变识别畸变。The routine staining method is based on the differences in the length of chromosome and the site of centromere to distinguish the aberration.

点带石斑鱼所有染色体着丝粒为阳性C带,而且第24对染色体几乎整个染色体臂都呈C带阳性,着色强度与该对染色体上的着丝粒C带相同。All the centromeres of chromosomes were darkly stained C-bands, and the whole arm of chromosome t 24 and its centromere were same positive C-bands.

染色体的主缢痕,使姐妹染色单体连在一起,在其两侧各有一个由蛋白构成的动粒。Centromere --- The primary constriction on the chromosome, a region at which the sister chromatids are held together and at which the kinetochore is formed.

染色体上包含着丝点的区域,在细胞有丝分裂和减数分裂期间与纺锤体相整合的一种结构。Centromere The region of the chromosome that contains the kinetochore, the structure that becomes attached to the nuclear spindle during mitosis and meiosis.

概述了异染色质生化组成及其在超微结构方面的研究进展,着重介绍了着丝粒的异染色质超微结构研究。The paper has summarized development of biochemical component and ultrastructure of heterochromatin in eukaryote with an introduction to the development of ultrastructure in centromere.