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她停下来抑制她的抽泣。She paused to muffle her sobs.

他竭力抑制自己的感情。He did his utmost to muffle his feelings.

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母亲努力控制自己的感情。Mother made an effort to muffle her emotions.

他以令人敬佩的努力抑制自己的感情。He made an admirable effort to muffle his feelings.

大厅内,所有人再次变得鸦雀无声。Inside the hall, the owner again becomes utter muffle.

小猫的爪垫提供了相似的摩擦力,并减弱每次的脚步声。A cat's paw pads provide similar traction and muffle each footfall.

介绍马弗式燃油钢丝加热炉的改造。To introduce the reform of the oil burning heating steel wire muffle.

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一个哥们用他所谓的“腹语”,想跟我搭讪。One guy tried to pick me up using something he called “the muffle voice.

假如你们纵能如天使般歌唱却并不爱歌唱,那么你们就堵塞了人们聆听日夜之声的耳朵。And if you sing though as angels, and love not the singing, you muffle man"s ears to".

使用镍合金消声器和陶瓷加热板以及坝塔尔合金A1金属丝。These furnaces utilize a nickel alloy muffle and ceramic plate heaters with Kanthal A1 wire.

伦敦的冬天和春天几乎无法区分,因为这两个季节都是阴云笼罩。In London, winter and spring are barely distinguishable, because the clouds muffle both seasons.

对热天平和马弗炉制备的焦炭外观特性进行了描述。Surface characteristics of cokes from thermogravimetric apparatus and muffle burner were described.

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潜水曝气机由潜水泵、混合室、底座、进气管和消音器等组成。The submerged aerator is composed of submerged pump, mixing room, the seat, inlet pipe, muffle and so on.

她用布裹住一块石头慌称这是新生的婴儿,克洛诺斯将石头一口吞下肚里。Muffle her with a piece of cloth stones fear that this is the new-born baby, Kronos swallowed goes to a rock.

利用新型陶瓷纤维马弗炉的快速灰化方法,可以高效地解决这一问题。A new type of ceramic fibre muffle furnace can provide a high efficient resolution by rapid moss sample ashing.

但她设法解开了那个铃铛,还在里边塞了袜子,然后悄悄溜下床消失在夜幕里。But she learned how to muffle the bell by stuffing sock into it and inching away out of the bed and into the night.

但她设法解开了那个铃铛,还在里边塞了袜子,然后悄悄溜下床消失在夜幕里。But she learned how to muffle the bell by stuffing a sock into it and inching her way out of the bed and into the night.

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假如你们纵能如天使般歌唱却并不爱歌唱,那么你们就堵塞了人们聆听日夜之声的耳朵。And if you sing though as angels, and love not the singing, you muffle man's ears to thes of the day and thes of the night.

目前使用碱熔高温炉法分解磷矿石试样,费时、成本高且耗电量大。The decomposition of phosphate rock sample by alkali fusion in muffle furnace takes more time, electricity and higher cost.

但她设法解开了那铃铛,还在里边塞了袜子,然后悄悄溜下床消失在夜幕里。But she learned how to muffle the bell by stuffing a stocking into it and inching her way out of the bed and into the night.