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烹饪前先把鸡肉串起来。Skewer the chicken before cooking.

北京街头,一个正在啃肉串的小孩。A child enjoys a meat skewer in Beijing.

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串制的切块烤羊肉。Marinated cubes of lamb threaded on a skewer.

切割成块的串烤鸡腿肉,香嫩至极。Marinated cubes of chicken threaded on a skewer.

放置木桩,然后就可以串烤你的骑兵了。Always plant stakes to skewer your own cavalry on.

鸡腿肉在意大利香料中浸泡后用串肉签串连。Chicken strips marinated with basil threaded on a skewer.

也可以让横轴穿过它。Instead, I could skewer it through, say,the horizontal axis.

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可用一支竹签插入中央,检查是否中央已熟。Poke with a skewer to check if the center is still soft and sticky.

该串的策略是只提供给战车和大炮在湘奇。The skewer tactic is available only to Chariots and Cannons in Xiangqi.

但是我永远也不会进入荒郊野地,在鱼钩上挂上虫饵,钓上一条鱼but I'll never go into the wilderness, skewer a worm on a hook, reel in a fish

用串肉杆试一下南瓜的软度,然后把它倒入碗中混合。Test the pumpkin pieces for tenderness with a skewer then tip into a mixing bowl.

香烤龙虾串,玉米面糊配海胆,茴香和鱼子酱。Skewer of lobster grilled on a plancha, topped with fennel, coral of sea urchin and caviar.

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烤45到50分钟直到牙签插入中心取出不沾,就烤好了。Bake for 45-50 mins until a thin skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean.

切羊羔肉6长条,薄片,每片插上一个竹串棒,把油擦在羊羔肉上。Cut lamb into 6 long, thin slices. Insert each slice onto a skewer. Rub the lamb with the oil.

从酒刀上取下木塞,把转下的木塞放在客人酒杯的旁边。Remove the cork from the wine opener skewer and place it upward on the right side of the wine glass.

加少量肉蔻,摇合后滤入加满柯林杯的冰块,饰以新鲜水果。Add a pinch of nutmeg, shake and strain into an ice filled collins glass, garnish with fresh fruit skewer.

将模具放进烤箱中,烤制18至20分钟,直到用竹签插到蛋糕中,取出来是干净的,表示蛋糕烤制好了。Place in oven and bake for 18 to 20 minutes, until a bamboo skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.

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添加冰块,充分搅合,饰以新鲜的热带水果和桔皮。以上是“调酒拼盘”详细资料。Build into an ice filled glass, stir well, garnish with fresh tropical fruit on a skewer and an orange peel.

我是那么的想念煮饭大婶、串烤餐馆、我的宿舍、我们的深夜学习讨论会,还有光华楼。I miss the fried rice lady, the skewer restaurant, my dorm room, late-night study sessions and even Guang Hua Tower.

牛奶盒从木制风车武器削减串枝支持风车叶片成10厘米长的片。Milk carton windmill arms are cut from wooden skewer sticks into 10-centimeter-long pieces to support the windmill blades.