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女人是邪淫寡信的。Woman is perfidious and disingenuous.

这是德国人拥有的最出色而危险的俯冲轰炸机。It was the most perfidious and dangerous dive bomber the Germans had.

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法国人则认为他们是背信弃义的英国佬From the French point of view, it's the perfidious Albion already there.

他们的朋友,埃及人,也派了军队参与战斗。Their friends, the perfidious Egyptians, have also sent men to this battle.

他低声嘀咕着,难怪他们都说英国人背信弃义,现在知道为什么了。No wonder they talk about perfidious Albion, he mutters, and you can see why.

当恺撒认识到,布鲁特斯背叛他,他责备他背信弃义的朋友。When Caesar realized that Brutus had betrayed him, he reproached his perfidious friend.

再没有比被人发现是弄虚作假与背信弃义更感羞耻的恶行了。There is no vice that does so cover a man with shame as to be found false and perfidious.

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没有一件恶德能和被人发现是虚伪欺诈一般使人蒙羞的。There is no vice that doth so cover a man with shame as to be found false and perfidious.

再没有比被人发现是弄虚作假与背信弃义更感羞耻的恶行了。There is no vice, that doth so cover a man with shame, as to be found false, and perfidious.

人们有可能察觉到一个在表面上更具吸引力而在本质上是背信弃义的圈套吗?Is it possible to conceive of a snare more attractive in appearance and more perfidious in essence?

伤害一件事物的最背叛的方法就是故意用错误的辩论去维护它。The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments.

此种背信弃义的侵略罪行,不仅是反对苏联的,而且也是反对一切民族的自由和独立的。This is a perfidious crime of aggression not only against the Soviet Union but against the freedom and independence of all nations.

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他们利用媒体大肆进行宣传,让人们普遍认同日本侵略者的烧杀抢掠,以及美帝国主义的背信弃义--这些作为“叛徒”--南朝鲜的友军给朝鲜带来的巨大威胁。The regime’s propaganda inspires fear of dire threats from predatory Japanese and perfidious Americans, who are aided by traitorous South Koreans.

今天我写信给你仅仅是因为我不能给你留下这样一个错误的印象,即你上一封背信弃义的信有任何的价值。And then, today, I decided to reply to you if only because I did not want to leave you with the false impression that your perfidious letter is worth the paper on which it has been written.

此外,释放民间力量,发挥广大基金投资者和舆论对基金管理人的监督,也有利于遏制基金背信行为。In addition, the release of non-governmental forces to play a majority of fund investors and public opinion on the supervision of fund managers, but also conducive to curbing the fund perfidious act.