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对于再生障碍性贫血。Aplastic anemia.

再生障碍性贫血的诊断标准。Criteria for the diagnosis of aplastic anemia?

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了解再障乃为征服再障的第一步。Understanding aplastic anemia is the first step toward taking control.

先天性再生障碍性贫血的治疗与一般再障相同。The cure of congenital aplastic anemia and general again block is same.

急性再障的临床特点是发热,感染,多部位出血。Clinical feature of acute aplastic anemia is fever, infection and bleeding.

可能的病因包括感染、自身免疫病、某些药物等等。Causes of aplastic anemia include infections, drugs and autoimmune diseases.

骨髓涂片及组织学检查确诊为再障。The diagnosis of aplastic anemia was confirmed by bone marrow smear and histology.

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极少数患者转为白血病、再生障碍性贫血等其他类型的血液病。Few number patient turns to wait for the blood disease of other type for leukaemia, aplastic anemia.

充分重视环境因素及生活方式的变化对预防再障有一定作用。Paying more attention to environmental and social changes would be helpful to prevent aplastic anemia.

核细胞数量及骨髓像在再障诊断中的变化。Objective To investigate the value of megakaryocytes and marrow aspirate in diagnosing aplastic anemia.

结论在再障诊断时仔细分析巨核细胞和骨髓像是有重要意义的。Conclusion It is important to analyse megakaryocytes and marrow aspirate in diagnosis of aplastic anemia.

环胞素A也是一种有效的免疫抑制剂,可用于治疗再障。Cyclosporine A is also an effective immunosuppressant that can be used in the treatment of aplastic anemia.

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辐射是工作场所中与再生障碍性贫血有关的最受关注的因素。Other agents in the workplace have been associated with aplastic anaemia, the most notable being radiation.

再生障碍性贫血也可能由于骨髓造血微环境缺陷造成。Aplastic anemia is caused possibly also as a result of blemish of medullary hematopoiesis small environment.

假如你有正常或者接近正常的外周血图像,你不能给一个再生障碍性贫血的诊断。If you have a normal or close to normal peripheral blood picture, you can not give a diagnosis of aplastic anemia.

再生障碍性贫血是骨髓造血功能衰竭所引发的一种综合症,其特征是周边各类血细胞减少、骨髓再生不良。Aplastic anemia is a syndrome of bone-marrow failure characterized by peripheral pancytopenia and marrow hypoplasia.

曾有报道称重度再障中端粒长度存有差异,但其临床意义未知。Variations in telomere length have been reported in severe aplastic anemia but their clinical significance is unknown.

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辐射与烷化剂都有一个阈限水平,低于此水平时不致发生再障。Radiation, benzene and alkylating agents all appear to have a threshold level below which aplastic anaemia will not occur.

讨论了此症与急性再生障碍性贫血和急性造血功能停滞的鉴别。The differentiation of this disorder from acute aplastic anemia and from acute erythropoietic arrest was briefly discussed.

长期接触苯系混合物的人,再生障碍性贫血发病率较高,并能引起白血病。Long-term contact benzene fastens the person of mixture, aplastic anemia incidence of a disease is higher, can cause leukaemia.