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于每天沐浴后使用。Apply it after bathing.

她正在给她婴孩洗澡。She's bathing her baby.

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沐浴和洗涤区。Bathing and washing areas.

这是上好的海滨浴场。This is a fine bathing beach.

这是一个人工建造的游泳场。It is a manmade bathing beach.

给,穿上这件浴衣。Here. Put this bathing suit on.

我要去拿我的游泳衣。I need to take my bathing suit.

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你看到在天台上沐浴的她。You saw her bathing on the roof.

为什麽我要穿这件泳衣?Why did I wear this bathing suit?

一个猿人在微温的湖泊中沐浴!An Ape Bathing in Lukewarm water !

你喜欢我的新游泳衣吗?How do you like me new bathing suit?

问题是,我没有泳衣。The thing is I have no bathing suit.

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真是一个很好的海水浴场。It's really a nice place for bathing.

沐浴自己,再沐浴性之寒。Bathing myself, bathing my songs in Sex.

游泳衣当然是必不可少。Bathing suit of course is indispensable.

浴罩形式可以有多种。The bathing cover can have various forms.

我们在海滨浴场玩得很开心。We have a good time at the bathing beach.

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洗澡可使身体保持洁净,体味清香。Bathing will keep clean and smelling nice.

此处海滩不准裸浴。Naked bathing is not allowed on this beach.

云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。The showy peach flowers bathing in the dew.