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铁路于我何有哉?What's the railroad to me?

我们在铁路调车场工作。I work in the railroad yard.

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铁道平交道口的栅栏没有上去。The railroad barrier won't go up.

一条营运的窄轨铁道。An operating narrow-gauge railroad.

郑西高速铁路正在建设当中。Zhengzhou-xi'an high-speed railroad.

建起了中国的第一条跨海铁路线。China's first cross-sea railroad line.

这条街和铁路交叉。This street crosses the railroad tracks.

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他希望重建铁路使用。He wanted to redevelop it for railroad use.

他们修筑铁路使之通入林区。They ran a railroad into the forest region.

一个满是钱和男人的铁路城镇。A railroad town bustling with money and men.

他参加了第比利斯铁路罢工运动。He took part in a railroad strike in Tiflis.

他的父亲在那条铁路上有些股份。His father owns some stock in that railroad.

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所以铁路将购买阻火器。So the railroad will buy the spark arrestor.

铁路当局对他所受的伤害予以赔偿。The railroad indemnified him for his injuries.

铁路从这儿开始微微向上倾斜。The railroad slopes up slightly at this point.

在山上凿通了一条水车地道。A railroad tunnel was dug through the mountain.

禄丰温泉附近的铁路桥。Railroad bridge behind the hot springs, Lufeng.

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铁路在此处有轻微的倾斜。The railroad slopes up slightsly at this point.

我们用栏杆将稻田与铁路隔开。We railed off our paddyfield from the railroad.

你肯定曾经在铁道公司当过铁路工人。You musta been a railroad man on that railroad.