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到了1987年,这种倒买倒卖的行为才被禁止。This profiteering was outlawed in 1987.

那些医院简直就是惟利是图。It is invidious profiteering those hospitals.

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为了防止牟取暴利而实行了租金管制。Rent controls were introduced to prevent profiteering.

为了防止牟取暴利因此实行了租金控制。Rent controls were introduced to prevent profiteering.

第一,如何制止牟取暴利的房地产业务。First, how to curb profiteering in real estate business.

但这依然影响了建材市场的暴利。But it still affected building materials market profiteering.

禁止将探矿权、采矿权倒卖牟利。Profiteering in exploration right or mining right shall be prohibited.

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人民将阻止你们牟取暴利的诡计,人民必胜。The people will stop your profiteering schemes, and the people will win.

大蒜价格的疯涨主要是由一些人的囤积居奇引起的。The price hike in garlic was mainly caused by hoarding and profiteering.

梦见这样的传教士吧,他们对预言比对牟取暴利更关心。Dream of preachers who are concerned more about prophecy than profiteering.

住宅成了少数一些富人囤积居奇谋取暴利的手段。The houses have become a few rich people's means of cornering and profiteering.

过去那种“暴利”没商量的行情已失去了生存土壤。In the past the kind of " profiteering" Now the situation has lost its survival soil.

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首先,政府应该遏制房地产市场囤积居奇以谋取暴利的行为。First, government should check the cornering and profiteering in the real estate market.

央行取消房屋预售建议能否终结房产暴利?The central bank canceled the pre-sale housing proposals can end property profiteering ?

在成熟的市场条件,公平竞争,在任何行业不可能有暴利。In mature market conditions, fair competition in any industry there can be no profiteering.

现在是结束现代药物利用骗术从人们的痛苦中牟利的时间了。It's time to end the quackery of modern medicine and the profiteering from human suffering.

惟利是图的人反应了韩国就是一个惟利是图的国家!Invidious profiteering of people reflects the invidious profiteering of South Korea is a country!

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不少拥有土地的单位“囤积居奇”,等待获取高利或暴利的时机。Many units owned land "hoarding", or wait for the acquisition of Gao Li profiteering opportunity.

和在此之前,在很多人看来,开发商是奸商牟取暴利代表行业。And Prior to that, in many people's eyes, the developer is to profiteer profiteering on behalf of industry.

而成本价格却在每公斤100左右,而且市场供不应求,那为什么如此暴利的行业,生产厂家会这么少呢?But cost is about 100 per kg in market demand, and why so profiteering industry, manufacturers will be so few?