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完善的服务,退赔保障,让您全作无忧。Perfect service, restitution guarantee, so you all for the worry.

因此这是一个伟大的归位时代,至爱的人类,也是不需要去害怕的东西。So this is a great time of restitution beloved and not to be feared.

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他为自由、权利、复业的斗争还在进行。His fight for freedom and privilege and restitution was not over yet.

处理无效合同应当遵循恢复原状的原则。To handle an invalid contract must abide by the principle of restitution.

他将会支付一百万赔偿金并被吊销律师牌照。Kwame Kilpatrick will pay a million dollars in restitution and lose his law license.

研究表明,恢复系数影响夯锤的冲击速度,冲击速度显著影响强夯的冲击应力。It is shown that the coefficient of restitution affects the inpact velocity of tamper and i.

连续易变的控制允许任一前重点曲线的精确恢复性曾经被使用。Continuously variable controls allow precise restitution of any pre-emphasis curve ever used.

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建立了一种计算点接触正碰撞恢复系数的理论模型。This paper presents a theoretical model for the coefficient of restitution calculation of point impact.

当凯文在法庭上接受审讯时,他对法官说,他非常地懊悔,很想把钱归还给原主。When he came to trial, Kevin told the judge how sorry he was, and that he was anxious to make restitution.

他说“我有能力利用网络来为网络的受害者获得赔偿”。“I’m able to leverage the power of the Internet to get restitution for a victim of the Internet, ” he said.

当然,那些男人及他们的家人应该得到我们能提供的的安慰与弥补。Certainly these young men and their families deserve all of the solace and restitution that we can offer them.

如果裁决为恢复原状,那么对利润损失的裁决就类似于暂时剥夺财产。If restitution were awarded, the award of lost profits would be analogous to cases of temporary dispossession.

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复原郑和宝船是一项非常复杂的系统工程,要求科学、合理、实用。The restitution of Zheng He's treasure ship is a very complex work. It requires science, ration and employment.

合同无效或被撤销后,有关当事人要求承担返还财产、赔偿损失等民事责任。For the void contract or voidable contract, the possible remedies include restitution and paying tor the damages.

此文就胃肠黏膜重建和三叶肽在该领域中作用的研究进展作一综述。A review of research progression of mucosal restitution and biological effect of TFF in this field goes as follows.

该功能是通过对不当得利返还的具体制度设计来实现的。And the functions of this system are achieved through the specific regulations of restitution of unjust enrichment.

凯文最终被判入狱,缓期执行,他需服务社区,归还窃款并接受心理辅导。He was sentenced to time served, probation, community service, and ordered to make restitution and undergo counseling.

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其中一些检察官拒绝提出赔偿——明尼苏达的一位法官要求检察官解释为什么要提出这个赔偿——不过还是有很多检察官没有拒绝赔偿要求。Some of them decline to file for restitution — a judge in Minnesota ordered prosecutors to explain why — but many have.

讨论碰撞过程中能量转化和能量损失,给出恢复系数的能量表达式。The energy conversion and loss in collision are discussed , a formula of coefficient of restitution is obtained by energy.

论述了恢复系数的含义及作用,并在此基础上介绍了几种碰撞过程模型。The meaning and function of restitution coefficient were introduced, and some kinds of impact process models were analyzed.