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病人开始发抖起来。The patient fell on trembling.

他们害怕得直发抖。They were trembling with fear.

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伸出的手却颤抖无措。Stretching out trembling hands?

他的头也不再颤抖摇晃了。Nor was his head trembling and shaking.

猫吓得呆在角落里直发抖。Puss came out of his corner, trembling.

惧怕和怖畏全然舍离。With fear and trembling well abandoned.

颤巍巍的花朵缀满枝头上。And all the trembling flowers they bear.

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自我抖著拆阅汝信。Soon as thy letters trembling I unclose.

赛瑟罗被带到了他们面前,哆嗦着。Cethru was brought before them trembling.

听到那个新闻,他吓得直打发抖。He was trembling like a leaf at the news.

捕捉,并重复这动人的乐音Cath, and repeat the Trembling Sounds anew

他争论着,他的声音由于生气而颤抖。He argued, his voice trembling with anger.

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他颤抖的双手戮穿了他平静的语调。His trembling hands belied his calm voice.

让你的心,你颤抖的手。Nerving thy heart and trembling hand to do.

人们无不在胆颤心惊中享受着自由。No one can enjoy freedom without trembling.

象出发前的骏马,总有些战栗。And, trembling like a steed before the start.

羽墨青战战兢兢的说。Feather ink green trembling with fear to say.

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她像一朵在风中颤抖的水仙花。She is like a narcissus trembling in the wind.

他对我说这话时,我站立起来,浑身战栗。When he said this to me, I stood up trembling.

摩根趴在地上,吓得直发抖。Morgan fell to the ground , trembling with fear.