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这个月产量增长了。Production is up this month.

于是捷豹汽车的生产停止了。Production of Jaguars ceases.

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粮食产量大幅度增长The grain production steamed.

一个非常高品质的作品。A very high quality production.

在生产区域需有洗手池。Sink needed in production area.

我们在煤炭生产方面居先。We lead in the coal production.

我们的生产稳步上升。Our production goes steadily up.

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生产规划和控制。Production planning and control.

为生产迁移做准备。Prepare for production migration.

这里是一个生产标记集合。Here is the production tagged set.

我是生产部的一名员工。I'm the production of an employee.

临蓐线是全主动的吗?Is the production line fully auto?

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这两个没一个是成熟的生产。Neither is a full-blown production.

工厂每天生产450辆小轿车。Production was at 450 cars per day.

小批生产低费用。Small group of low-cost production.

他们应该立即转用条形顶部蜂箱,降低蜂蜜生产盈余并停止偷拿蜂蜜。production and stop stealing honey.

年生产中小型四轮拖拉机3万台。The annual production is 30000 sets.

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这个月产量上升更快。Production goes up faster this month.

生产计划要订得落实。Production plans must be practicable.

内斗意味著减产。Internal battles mean less production.