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对政治不满。Political disaffection.

几乎一开头就爆发出不满情绪。Disaffection broke out almost from the start.

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食物和补给的不足造成士兵的不满。Lack of food and supplies caused disaffection among the soldiers.

索马里老资格议员中那些军阀利益维护者对努尔.侯赛因有很多不满。There is a lot of disaffection with Nur Adde among the old MP-warlord interests.

鲍勃?狄伦触动了对现状不满的神经,他唱到民权、散落物以及孤独。Bob Dylan touched a nerve of disaffection. He spoke of civil rights , nuclear fallout, and loneliness.

胸腔里的不满和怨怼散了一大半,头脑又回复了清明。Chest inside of disaffection and disgust the Dui scatter an greater half, heads anew reply to settle clearly.

如果他们继续看到高官的孩子仍然高高在上,他们的不满就会加剧。If they continue to see the children of high government officials doing better, their disaffection will grow.

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在草草埋葬了战友后,胡八一带着不满一百人的连队上了路。After roughly burying war ally, beard 81 take disaffection the brigade of connecting of 100 people to set out.

一个重要的影响因素在于,上一个季度Apple成功地达成了2,500,000台电脑的销售业绩引起了Windows的不满。A big factor in Apple's success in selling 2.5 million computers last quarter is growing user disaffection with Windows.

在最后的几天里,他一直对他自己国民的呼声充耳不闻,对人民对他和他统治的不满视而不见。For a last few days he remained deaf to the sounds of his own country, blind to the disaffection with him and his reign.

许多在从事建筑和房地产销售行业的人相信现在的对房地产的不满情绪将会过去。Many of those in the business of building and selling houses believe the current disaffection with real estate will pass.

只有球迷的不满会带来更高代价时,一掷千金罗致球员的场面怕是才能发生。A splurge on signings would only make sense if it was calculated that the disaffection of fans was liable to be even more costly.

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他们总结到,改善校园风气以抵制恶习应该被看作是学校教育的一种有希望的补充。Improving school ethos to combat disaffection should be viewed as a promising complement to classroom-based interventions, they conclude.

他们受欢迎是因为他们抓住了九十年代台湾年轻人对于梦想、成长、孤独、爱和不满的时代特征。They are popular for capturing the zeitgeist of Twaneese youth in the 1990s which was an era of dreams, growing up, loneliness, love and disaffection.

比方说,在英国2005年的选举中,尽管托尼·布莱尔越来越不受欢迎,这种不满却无法找的一个政治的表达。In the UK elections of 2005, for example, despite Tony Blair’s growing unpopularity, there was no way for this disaffection to find political expression.

盖茨星期三在新德里对记者发表谈话时,敦促土耳其不要依赖军事手段对付国内库尔德族的不满情绪。Gates, speaking to reporters here Wednesday, called on Turkey not to rely only on military means to combat disaffection by the country's Kurdish population.

这似乎是他对雅典同胞,所关心之事务疏离,或不满的表述,我不知道你做啥。This seems to be a statement of his alienation or disaffection from the concerns of his fellow Athenians. I know nothing about what you do or what you care about.

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此举着实古怪,也有君王不满,可第一次十殿大会落幕后,无人再有异议。This undertaking is truly bizarre, also have the gentleman disaffection king, can for the first time ten palace common assemblies after ending, unmanned again have criticism.

共和党掌控众院滥觞于金瑞契1994年洞见和冲突的爆发,而在这次选民对国会贪污腐败不满声中摧毁。The GOP reign in the House that began with Newt Gingrich in a burst of vision and confrontation in 1994 came crashing down amid voter disaffection with congressional corruption.

此举着实古怪,也有君王不满,可第一次十殿大会落幕后,无人再有异议。This undertaking is really peculiar, also have the gentleman disaffection king, can for the first time ten palace general assemblies after ending, unmanned again have objection.