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何以知家给,笙歌满水滨。Home to know why, Shengge Water over the foreshore.

典型的前滨发展,如津巴布韦。Typical of the foreshore development, such as Zimbabwe.

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随后,记者来到杏滨执法中队值班室。Subsequently, the reporters came to the foreshore law enforcement apricot squadron office.

悉尼港前滨治理局的咖啡节组织者之一伊莲?凯莉对这一结果很满足。Elaine Kelly from event organisers the Harbour Foreshore Authority was delighted with the result.

剖面地形具有典型的夷直海岸特点,前滨滩面宽阔平坦,后滨沙丘带发育,岸线平直。Its foreshore is broad and smooth, its backshore consists of dunes and its coastline is rather straight.

悉尼港前滨管理局的咖啡节组织者之一伊莲•凯莉对这一结果很满意。Elaine Kelly, from event organisers the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority, was delighted with the result.

普通滨蟹的横行步态为人们所熟悉,亦为多数蟹类的特徵。General over the foreshore crab gait to people familiar with the characteristics for the majority of crabs.

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日本滨一集团在中国的四川、大连、福州都有自己的独资生产企业。Japan foreshore of a Group of Sichuan in China, Dalian, Fuzhou has its own wholly-owned manufacturing enterprises.

中部块状砂岩和上部含砾砂岩形成于河口湾和前滨、临滨沉积环境。The middle massive sandstone and upper pebbly sandstone formed in an estuary, foreshore and nearshore environments.

海塘、滩涂行业信息管理系统是防汛抗台的重要非工程措施。Geography information system of seawall and foreshore industry is important non-engineering measure in flood prevention.

后海岸海岸的一部分,位于前滩和除最强烈的暴风雨之外,高出水面的向陆地边缘地区之间。The part of a shore between the foreshore and the landward edge that is above high water except in the most severe storms.

澳大利亚官员警告说,从悉尼到布里斯班会有“可能的危险的海浪,强劲的海流,和海滨洪水”。Australian officials warned of "possible dangerous waves, strong ocean currents and foreshore flooding" from Sydney to Brisbane.

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巴士拉主要码头上有一艘货轮底朝上趴着,河岸边的建筑布满了子弹,这些都提示了这座城市最近还发生过战争。A freighter turned turtle off the city's main dock and bullet-strewn buildings on the foreshore are reminders that this was recently a city at war.

沉积相和成岩作用中的胶结作用、溶蚀作用是东河砂岩储层发育的主要控制因素。To look for the zones of foreshore subfacies and the zones of corrosion growth is an important basic work for exploring Donghe sandstone formation.

由于项目场地常年受西南风吹起的波浪影响,前滩常年遭受侵蚀。The site had suffered years of foreshore bank erosion due to exposure to the predominant South-west winds forming substantial waves across the lake.

具有清新的现代气派的布莱顿大酒店已经成为曼杜拉海滨的名星级酒店,该酒店大厨格雷戈·布尔敦是“皇冠上的明珠”。With its fresh modern look the Brighton Hotel, has become the star on the Mandurah foreshore and its chef, Gregg Burdon is the "jewel in the crown."

外部材料是能触知的,旨在自然风化,低层用河滩的白沙进行打底装饰。External materials are tactile and designed to weather naturally, the lower level is finished in a white sand render, the foreshore of white river sand.

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有潮海淤泥质海岸的沿岸泥沙年输沙量目前尚无比较成熟的计算方法。Up to now there aren't relatively complete methods for estimating alongshore quantity of sediment transport on the foreshore with tide and silt material.

当地社区游说市政委员会在沿河地区找出市民可以进行娱乐休闲或开展社会活动的‘地段’。The local community lobbied the Council to identify "pockets" along the foreshore that could be accessed by the community for leisure and social activity.

朱家尖岛是舟山群岛最东面的一个岛屿,四周港湾内广泛发育砾滩、沙滩和泥滩沉积。Gravel and sand beaches, as well as mud foreshore are well developed in the coves around Zhujiajian Island, the most eastern island of Zhoushan Archipelago.